Still have an infection

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2009
How is it possible to STILL have a bladder infection after being on 2 different anti biotics for a total of 17 days? Now I'm afraid my surgery is going to be pushed back again due to this infection. I am so angry right now.
Have they checked your kidney's. Maybe some of the infection is there or in your ureter. Geez, I hope they figure this out soon, cause that could well postpone the surgery. That almost happened to me.
A long time ago I had strep and they gave me penicillin. After the ten days of meds were up, I was still sick. They cultured me again and found that I also had a staph infection that was what they called penicillinase producing, meaning it was killing the penicillin. They had to quickly fight the staph with one antibiotic and then fight the strep with another.

I'm guessing, but maybe your situation is similar? MRSA is a pretty nasty thing now, so perhaps your particular infection is resistent to the drugs.
Have they checked your kidney's. Maybe some of the infection is there or in your ureter. Geez, I hope they figure this out soon, cause that could well postpone the surgery. That almost happened to me.

Had an ultrasound on my kidneys on wednesday. everything was fine. My surgery was supposed to be in March but was postponed due to a UTI
How is it possible to STILL have a bladder infection after being on 2 different anti biotics for a total of 17 days? Now I'm afraid my surgery is going to be pushed back again due to this infection. I am so angry right now.

Did they culture the bacteria and see what works for it and what it is resistant too? it seems like they are giving the wrong antibiotic. I hope they can figure this out soon, how frustrating.
I hope you are eating yougart or something to prevent a yeast infection from all the anitboitics, that would be the last thing you need.
Did they culture the bacteria and see what works for it and what it is resistant too? it seems like they are giving the wrong antibiotic. I hope they can figure this out soon, how frustrating.
I hope you are eating yougart or something to prevent a yeast infection from all the anitboitics, that would be the last thing you need.

oh boy.. i never thought of that. Is there anything else I can eat. I hate yougurt
Laura,good info above by others.
just wanna add this does suck i know.......waitings the worst
adding some good thoughts and prayers for you.Good luck in
getting this solved.

zipper2 (DEB)
Laura, I think Lynlw is on the right track. My mother has been plagued by UTIs and if they don't do a "sensitivity" test, they invariable give her an antibiotic that doesn't work. This has caused extra hospitalizations, and extended stays because the docs were not doing their jobs. Get on their case, and don't take any excuse from them. All the best, Brian
Real cranberry juice works as well - not the juice drink, or the cranberry flavored apple juice.
Laura - how very frustrating for you!!!! I'm so sorry to read you are still having to mess with this UTI stuff.

You know - they have some pretty tasty "gourmet" yogurts out there. Boston Creme Pie, Key Lime Pie etc.

Probiotics are not all created equal. I've heard good things about Natren's Healthy Trinity. But I'd check it out with your doc before trying any probiotics.
My girlfriend ended up getting a bladder infection right before her OHS in October, 2008 and ended up having her surgery pushed back 3 times before they finally got it cleared up. Not sure what they used, but I know she was mad as a wet hen. She also has diabetes so that may have caused some of it. She ended up with another one within hours after her surgery so not sure what was going on. Good luck with your infection and I hope it gets better soon so your surgery is not moved again!
ok. the cardiologist called and said the ultrasound that was done on Wed showed a duplicated renal collecting system. Whateveer that is. I have no idea. Now they are talking about getting a renal specialist involved. If it ain't one thing its another.
You poor gal! If you don't like yogurt, you can try acidophilus (sp?) pills. It's the same good bacteria as in yogurt. I take one every morning as I have a bad pH balance and tend to get female infections.

Hope the docs can sort out this kidney thing with you.

You get the VR Rosanne Rosannadanna Award this week. "It's always sumthin' "

I hope you get some answers soon.
If what your regular doctors are doing isn't taking care of an infection, then by all means get in to see an Infectious Disease Specialist. They are just about the pickiest doctors around, and they will hunt down what the thing is and develop a plan to kill it with the exact right drug.

Don't be fooling around with someone who is treating you in the dark, get the right tool for the job (so to speak) :)

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