Greetings, fellow Coursers! The experiment with putting up a starter post for each month (and then just letting discussions run freely) seemed to work just fine with May. So we proceed with June, the sixth month of the year and the month that brings us everything from weddings to Wimbledon.
Especially weddings of course. The month is named for Juno, the goddess of spring and growth. Since Juno also came to be known as the goddess of marriage, some consider it good luck to be wed in June. It is the month that also brings us the longest day of the year (the 21st or 22nd, the summer solstice) and a great number of special days to celebrate, such as National Rocky Road Day (for a flavor, not the fortunes we Coursers may think of), National Hug Your Cat Day (good luck with that!), and my favorite, National Donut Day.
June 9 will bring National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day, and also in 2021, I hope, a successful surgery to repair the ventral incisional hernia about which I have been fretting since it first appeared as a small mass just below the breastbone at cardiac rehab 16 months ago. It is considerably larger now, and although I could try to just live with it for a while longer, I have concluded that it is better to be proactive than to wait for an emergency to arise, especially since local surgeons lack a track record of dealing with this unusual kind of hernia. I have done a lot of research and gotten a lot of advice and have picked out a hernia surgeon 250 miles away who is nationally renowned and who has done many of these successfully. So if it all works out, and he puts Humpty-Dumpty me back together nicely, I will lobby to have the 9th proclaimed National Fix-Your-Damn-Hernia Day. And then proceed to eat some strawberry rhubarb pie.
Thanks for your kind thoughts, dornole, about my loyal walking dog Ellie. She is struggling with a bad cough and with heavy panting at times even in a cool place. I am taking her in to see the vet again Thursday. I am worried she might be going into heart failure. Through it all, she still begs to be walked every day, sweet thing. But she turns us around to head back home when she knows she can't stay our longer courses.
Okay June is about love and lovely things -- such as fresh veggies and lobster, which also have their special days. So enjoy life, you stalwart Coursers, and let us know how you are doing. And Superman please do keep those beautiful photographs coming!

Especially weddings of course. The month is named for Juno, the goddess of spring and growth. Since Juno also came to be known as the goddess of marriage, some consider it good luck to be wed in June. It is the month that also brings us the longest day of the year (the 21st or 22nd, the summer solstice) and a great number of special days to celebrate, such as National Rocky Road Day (for a flavor, not the fortunes we Coursers may think of), National Hug Your Cat Day (good luck with that!), and my favorite, National Donut Day.
June 9 will bring National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day, and also in 2021, I hope, a successful surgery to repair the ventral incisional hernia about which I have been fretting since it first appeared as a small mass just below the breastbone at cardiac rehab 16 months ago. It is considerably larger now, and although I could try to just live with it for a while longer, I have concluded that it is better to be proactive than to wait for an emergency to arise, especially since local surgeons lack a track record of dealing with this unusual kind of hernia. I have done a lot of research and gotten a lot of advice and have picked out a hernia surgeon 250 miles away who is nationally renowned and who has done many of these successfully. So if it all works out, and he puts Humpty-Dumpty me back together nicely, I will lobby to have the 9th proclaimed National Fix-Your-Damn-Hernia Day. And then proceed to eat some strawberry rhubarb pie.
Thanks for your kind thoughts, dornole, about my loyal walking dog Ellie. She is struggling with a bad cough and with heavy panting at times even in a cool place. I am taking her in to see the vet again Thursday. I am worried she might be going into heart failure. Through it all, she still begs to be walked every day, sweet thing. But she turns us around to head back home when she knows she can't stay our longer courses.
Okay June is about love and lovely things -- such as fresh veggies and lobster, which also have their special days. So enjoy life, you stalwart Coursers, and let us know how you are doing. And Superman please do keep those beautiful photographs coming!

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