Well, Happy New Week, you unsinkable Stay-the-Coursers, you. Only 40 more days til August. Ah, okay, make that 4. It just seems like this has been the longest July ever. Seems that way to me, anyway. What about you?
I mean you know all the turmoil -- I don't need to chronicle it here.
So thanks for those lovely Nature pix in last week's thread -- they were a pleasant diversion.
And thanks, Jill, for those ideas about types of generators that could help with keeping us powered up in an emergency, such as a hurricane. I especially liked the one that could rock music for an outdoor barbecue. Weber is finally shipping me the parts that were missing from a boxed grill I ordered online six weeks ago, so may be time to party-grill this weekend, and music would be great. (Country is my preference.)
Hard-pressed to pen this week's starter without being depressing, so let me search for bright side. Today, I completed purchase of new, state-of-the-art hearing aids for my DW after finding through some research that my Medigap health-care plan offers a big discount for them. Roughly they were half the standard price. A big help. Medicare itself helps with a lot but nothing for hearing aids, which are important to quality of life. My Dear Wife is now hearing all sorts of sounds she hasn't heard in 20 years. She's had other hearing aids, but not as great as these. The only downside for her is that now she will hear my sarcastic mutterings about various happenings. Oh well....
Another: My long-awaited cardiologist's checkup is only 3 weeks away. I hope to find out through imaging and checkup how well my heart is doing a year after the aneurysm & valve surgery, and whether any additional procedure might be needed to correct an incisional defect. So that's a weird positive, I suppose, except that it is is good to take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. BTW, my old dawg and I survived a morning walk today with the real-free temp at 100F, so hooray for survival.
Okay, let's have your reports. You can do better than this, I know.

I mean you know all the turmoil -- I don't need to chronicle it here.
So thanks for those lovely Nature pix in last week's thread -- they were a pleasant diversion.
And thanks, Jill, for those ideas about types of generators that could help with keeping us powered up in an emergency, such as a hurricane. I especially liked the one that could rock music for an outdoor barbecue. Weber is finally shipping me the parts that were missing from a boxed grill I ordered online six weeks ago, so may be time to party-grill this weekend, and music would be great. (Country is my preference.)
Hard-pressed to pen this week's starter without being depressing, so let me search for bright side. Today, I completed purchase of new, state-of-the-art hearing aids for my DW after finding through some research that my Medigap health-care plan offers a big discount for them. Roughly they were half the standard price. A big help. Medicare itself helps with a lot but nothing for hearing aids, which are important to quality of life. My Dear Wife is now hearing all sorts of sounds she hasn't heard in 20 years. She's had other hearing aids, but not as great as these. The only downside for her is that now she will hear my sarcastic mutterings about various happenings. Oh well....
Another: My long-awaited cardiologist's checkup is only 3 weeks away. I hope to find out through imaging and checkup how well my heart is doing a year after the aneurysm & valve surgery, and whether any additional procedure might be needed to correct an incisional defect. So that's a weird positive, I suppose, except that it is is good to take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. BTW, my old dawg and I survived a morning walk today with the real-free temp at 100F, so hooray for survival.
Okay, let's have your reports. You can do better than this, I know.