Sprained ankle. What to expect???

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2001
Chicago, IL
Well, being the klutz I am. Slipped on the bottom stair and sprained my ankle. I beleive it to be minor. Can walk on it...but it's darn sore. Have been icing it most of the AM. My knee, rear and neck may be slightly involved. Did not hit my head thankfully! Fully understand why old folks like to live in ranches:eek:

Anyway, with a sprain......is there anything I should worry about? Being on Coumadin. It's not really swollen. Happend about 3 hours ago.
Gina, thank goodness it's not a break. I think everyone on Coumadin is individual in how they will react to a trauma to the body. I've broken 2 toes since being on coumadin. They swelled up, and parts of my foot turned lovely shades of of tie-dye purple and blue, but I don't think it took any more time to heal than when I broke my toe pre-Coumadin. (And who's the klutz?)

Keep icing it. I would watch for any excessive swelling. Keep it elevated! I don't think there's anything to worry about with bruising around the area, but if the bruising starts to move up your calf - check that out.
Same thing with my husband's broken tailbone. Kept it iced and watched to make sure the bruising didn't travel beyond what the doctor drew on his rear.

Sprains often hurt 10 times worse than breaks - be careful and keep it iced and elevated!



I slipped and hit my rearend a year or so ago. The entire right side of my bottom turned every shade of blue and purple with a hard knot in the middle of it that eventually turned white. It was HUGE. I told my dr. about it later after it had healed and I was seeing him for something else. His eyebrows raised to his hair line as he made it very clear I should have had it checked.

I'm horrible about not seeing a dr. when I should... but if the bruising gets real bad.... maybe you should think about it!

Hope it feels better soon!!
Thank you ladies.:)

Rain, that knot you describe. Yep, it's there. Right rear:eek: Will keep a good eye on things. Wonder what they would have done differently for your bruise if you did have it checked? I think we have one of those ice patches for fevers. Wonder how that would adhear to the rear?, lol
I am very stiff @ the moment. :(

Thanks again everyone. Just being a big baby about it.
I wasn't on coumadin when I had my last "ankle" experience, but I completely downplayed the seriousness of it, and it was broken. I ended up wearing a walking cast for 6 weeks.

The toe of my shoe stuck a little bit in the ground when I landed (skydiving), and I was pulled some distance by the parachute. It hurt, but not too bad, and I walked away on my own. I was able to walk all the rest of the day, but it was so stiff the following morning, I decided to have it checked out at the ER. It wasn't a typical break so it didn't look or feel as bad as most, but it was a break.

Bottom line--if it's still causing problems tomorrow, I'd have someone look at it.
Hi Mary,

Skydiving. Wow. Well, that was something I always wanted to try. Actually made it to location and pulled out. Now it's too late:(.

Thank you for the suggestion. It's like a car accident. You find out the true level in the following days. Hope not, as we are going on a nice beach vacation soon. Would be a major bummer to have a cast.:(


Anytime I overdo myself (like leaf blowing)feels so good to be outside, I pay for it the next day..Not brusing but muscles aching.:p We have 3 wooden steps going off my front porch...and I know, if it rains and the temp falls ..they will be icy:eek: Also, the handrails...thought I could make it down one day last week, but slipped.:eek: but, thankfully caught my balance.:) I think Nancy's Joe had a nasty fall last year on the ice. Maybe you should check your INR..in case, you need pain meds..hope you are going to be fine. Bonnie
I donno....

I donno....

I wonder if anyone here knows...... what is the danger of a bruise if it covers that large of an area of your body? Like a really, really bad bruise. :confused:

My doctor didn't give me a specific reason...... he just said, "make sure you get it checked next time".

I bruise so easy, I've wondered if there isn't some negatives of having so many of them. Besides they hurt like &@$!
Thanks for asking this question Rain. I really need to know! It's doosie:eek:

Would the answer be hematoma? Our dog once had a large hematoma injury. They had to drain it. Gosh, I can't imagine them helping me out in my current situation. I will not be sitting for weeks!:eek:
Part of my understanding is that with a large, deep bruise, it may be continuing to bleed. If your bruise is bigger after a few days, and still looks fresh, you may still have some bleeding.

I've given myself some pretty good bruises, but haven't had any issues. I do know someone (like Joe) who slipped on the ice and fell and ended up with a huge hematoma that put him in the hospital. This was right after I got my valve, so I didn't ask why it required hospitalization, or what they did for the injury.

My question is: Is clotting from these large bruises a concern?
I hope you are going to be OK.
I fell about four feet off a stepladder last year, hit my leg, arm and head.
Had a LOT of bruises but it turned out OK.
And I live in a RANCH:eek:
You mentioned those ice patches, well I thru my back out a few months ago.
The usual sciatic nerve problem.
The doctor recommended those ice patches so I put one on.
It felt fine but then that night it was time to soak in a hot tub of water.
But I couldn't get the stupid thing off,SO my dear wife said she would help me.
Well I got a wax job that almost put me thru the roof!!:mad:
But at least I had a VERY smooth behind.:D
Thank you. I should be ok Rich. Will make a decision in the AM. Weather or not to call the doctor. What I can gather on a hematoma. It would have formed by now.

My bruise is a widespread area with a knot. All sorts of pretty colors. Just downright painful. Jolted the rest of my body real good. Ankle is pretty stable. Feels better with a support.

So, you managed to fall inside your ranch:confused: We just can't win, can we;) Hate to laugh:p when I hear a story about an injury. Have to admit....you had me going with the ice patch. Ouch. I often do wonder about men and heart tests. Do they shave you each time?
Really big deep bruises can get infected even without breaking the skin. My kid had this happen when she dropped a rock on her toe when she was 3 - nasty infection. You can also develop cellulitis from a bad bruise (altho it's usually due to a break in the skin). So I guess the real danger from bruises isn't quantity (thank God - since I have oodles since I've been on coumadin) but the fact that bad bruises can be that much worse due to the bleeding continuing longer.
No they don't shave us.:(
When they do an EKG and pull all those little suckers off, I think the girl gets a charge out of watching us squirm.
My problem these days is simple.
My brain and body are not on the same wave length.
My brain says I can do anything, but my body often says 'I don't think so'.:eek:
See what you have to look forward to.
TY Cort. Can't even blame it on a martini. :D Too early in the week for that.;)

knightfan2691 said:

Sorry that you've sprained your ankle, but my dear, I've warned you about being a klutz ;). he he he

Seriously, thoughts/prayers for you....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
chdQB = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/quilt.html
"Time is a natural healer" ... John Conlee ... 'Years After You'
YW, Gina!

Sure you don't want to reconsider about blaming the martini? ;)

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