Spider's watching?

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
i have just spotted this on our "Who's on line"

MSNBot Spider and other different 'Spiders'

I have never seen this before and wondered what it is.

Is there an option to display search bots?

What is it all about?
Google, and other search engines gather information all the time, that's how they stay abreast of things. The searching components are called "spiders" because they crawl the entire Internet every day searching for new information. It's nothing to worry about. It's been going on since search engines began. And they also gather info. from VR.com among all the others out there.

If you want to see something look at this. It's from the "Way Back Machine" which is an Internet archive.

It is my very first post on VR.com, and Hensylee's answer to me. Nothing ever goes away on the internet. You'll notice, the forum was a list style at that time.

they're always watching, this one likes the nature channel.
i wanna watch the news, but too dang scared to reach for the remote.