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They did all the tests and bloodwork at ER including the Nuclear test that Weaky Cat ( Jean) mentioned on another thread! All the test came back negative. My blood pressure was going through the roof though. I even have welts on my arm to prove it! One reading was 215/115! I had even ripped off the first cuff they put on my arm after I went back to Er after my stress test, because it was too small. I wasn't having any problems with the cuff in the first ER room. This one everytime it automatically took a reading was pressing so hard into my arm, my whole hand was turning beat red and i was in a lot of pain. A blood pressure machine shouldn't be that uncomfortable or leave welts on you!
My cardio said my heart and lungs were fine though. I too did not have a problem with the nuclear test. I didn't have shortness of breathe during the test though it was somewhat uncomfortable when they put the dye in you when I was on the treadmill. They sent me home with a new medication though. You guessed it, high blood pressure medicine. I am now on 5mg a day of Norvasc.
My cardio said if I continue you keep having these pains we may do an agiogram. Right now they think it could just be either stress related, maybe I pulled a muscle or something else is going on.
To be honest though it could be stress related. I just found out my 14 year old cat Cleo has hypertyroidism. I had blood work done on her a week ago and learned the results Monday. I had just put my other cat KC down last fall. She was 16. I did get very depressed during that time. My sister in law had just passed away too. I guess I thought I was over it but probably finding out Cleo is now on Meds must have un nerved me. I have been very irritable this past week. I'm not a very nice person when I'm irritable.
On another note I need some input. I took my INRatio machine to the cardio office on Friday to check it once again with theirs so i can start home testing. They are both INRatio. Their reading was 3.7 for my INR. An acceptable range for having two mechanical valves. My machine reading was 4.8! How can I home test with such a variance? I know we did a thread about a month ago about variances in the machines. Has anyone had to send their monitor back to QAS to be recalibrated? I had called them a few weeks ago because my first comparison with my cardio office wes: their monitor: 3.4. Mine was 4.0. That wasn't too far off. With a INR of 4.8 I would think I would have to adjust my dosage. With their monitor I would be fine. I plan to call QAS tomorrow but I was just looking for inputs. I do know the readings would never be exactly the same but I think this is too big of a variance. All replies would be appreciated. I want to start home testing and not have to go to the cardios office every month!
I know I don't post a lot, because I'm usually too busy working and commuting to work. A long day! I do read the threads though, even though I never have time to post. I always keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers though I don't get a chance to post and say it. Thanks!