Special Moment

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2007
North Carolina
Some of you may remember my friend who was on the plane that landed in the Hudson. My husband and I just had dinner with he and his wife. I shared a story with him that I knew he would appreciate and I think a lot of you will as well.

This week, I had a Dr. appt. with a new internist. I haven't really had much need for one of these in the past since I have always had specialist. Anyway, as I was trying to explain my crazy heart to this man, and all I have been through in the past year and a half, he looked at me and said "you know you have been given a gift, don't you?" I looked at him and I knew exactly what he was thinking. He said, "You have faced your own mortality. That is something most people don't experience until they are much older than you. I'm sure it has changed the way you look at life. I can't imagine how you felt that night before your surgery. You laid your head down on that pillow not knowing if that was the last time you were going to wake up in the morning." I immediately teared up. He got it. I can't say with any certainty that my husband of 22 years gets it like that. But this man who survived that plane crash got it. He and I reached across the table and held hands. Needless to say, that Dr. is a keeper for me.
Wow..he really got it, and is a keeper! I've never heard someone say it so well.No one I know (except this forum), gets it.

(I also I remember the Hudson landing day very well, as I work not too far from where the plane was towed to in Battery Park.). My biggest fear of flying is landing in water, that day scared the heck out of me, then something else scared me more...an aneurysm.

Thanks so much for sharing that !!!

Very few people understand how we feel. I think he fully understood because he went through his own mortality. I have had people say, well I had gall bladder surgery and did not feel the way I described. Duh????? This is our safe haven. We all get it.
yes, most of us have a whole different take on life when we wake up from heart surgery. we can't always explain it well, but we know it's just there. what a blessing we have been given.
I bookmarked your post.

I try to explain this feeling of "receiving a gift" to people, but they usually don't get it. With that said, I also need to confess that there are times when my thankfulness fades as I return to a normal healthy life and my health problems are resolved. At those times I try to remind myself that even though I'm "healed" or "repaired" that I must remember and cherish the special gift that I was given.....For, it could be taken away in a heartbeat. Your post reminded me to honor the gift.

Take care and Thanks,
After being there 3 times now, I certainly get it. No one will ever understand until it happens to them. That's the sad part of it all.

I remember my last physical therapist getting on me as soon as I was released from CSICU and I literally told her Do Not Push Me. I've faced death for the 3rd time and no one should ever have to do that, EVER. She thought I was some mental case and never did work with me again.
I teared up reading your post Kimmie because what that Dr told you is so very true & no one can understand it better than WE, OHS survivors!

No one, not our spouses, not our family, not our friends, no one knows what life means to us & that is indeed a blessing!
Kim, what a great post. As so many have said, unless you have been there you can't really know the feeling. I was okay with the whole OHS thing until the talk with the anestheologist and I realized this machine was going to control my who being. However, we aren't left with much choice so we face our fear and move ahead.

Since the surgery, I think I have changed into a more kinder, gentler person and I like that. I've learned to say to people I don't know that "Hey, your hairdo is great. Looks great on you." or "You have a really nice looking family...your kids are so cute." Some people look at me like I'm bonkers but so many just get a big smile and say "Thank you." Does wonderful things for the spirit!

I think almost without fail, most of us on this site thank God for every day we are given and have learned to appreciate many small things.
