Spastic Breathing

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Active member
Sep 10, 2012
Lawrence, KS
Just curios if anyone else has had this happen to them. You know when you cry really hard and do that "snort" of air? I do this multiple times a day. I have no warning that its coming. Feels like a big attempt to get air? I am 5 weeks out and feeling great!
I think this is one of the many little "undocumented features" associated with these kinds of heart problems. In the two years before my AVR, I experienced those sudden indrawn breaths with ever increasing frequency. Neither my cardiologist or my surgeon were particularly interested in them. I can tell you that after surgery, the came less often and now that I'm past 4 years, I don't notice them happening at all.

Same here, sort of. First experienced after first AVR, now having them again when second AVR is approaching. Medical people seem to know what you mean, but aren't interested.
If this is a fast intake of breath that is sort of staggered, I experienced these both before and after my surgery. Before surgery it would happen infrequently, and always concerned me for a few minutes after which I would move on with whatever I was doing. After my surgery I had these quite often, only now I could hear my heart beat since I had a mechanical valve in my chest. What I found was that every time I had the little breath catch/sharp intake, I was also experiencing an irregular, fast heart beat or a palpitation. My heart would flutter a bit, then settle back into rhythm. While this was going on my breath would catch/hitch, then resume back to normal. I had these quite a bit (along with Atrial Flutter) after my surgery, and over time these have gone away almost completely. My two cents...
I, too, had these for the first couple of months after surgery. At first they were distracting and unnerving, but as time went on and nothing bad happened, I just got on with life. I can't even remember at what point they stopped, but they did.
I also had them from time to time right after my surgery - I also don't remember when they stopped - after 6 months maybe