Soooooooooo upset by Cardio................

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
Kilkenny, Ireland.
Hi Everyone, On 18th May, I attended an outpatients app with my cardio in my local hosptial (I also see an ep cardio in Dublin in a larger hospital), about 4/5 minutes into the visit cardio said ''we are making headway'' to which I replied in a polite calm manner ''I dont think we are''. The reason I said this is because I am more unwell if anything so 'we are making headway' is waaay off whats happening, and I had just finished telling him that I had a lot of chest pain and discomfort just walking the short walk into the hospital. Well, this guy completely lost his temper, he slammed my file down on his desk, and began ranting and raving saying ''you have to accept that you are better than you were'' in a voice almost shouting. His face was bright red. To be honest I scarcely remember what else he said as I was so shocked, my heart was pounding out of my chest. I do know he repeated this rant over and over at least 3 times. Just then a lady doctor walked into the room and he immediately lowered his voice and calmed down instantly. I was standing up at this point and I said ''how dare you speak to me like that, who do you think you are'' and I walked out the door. I was sooo upset. I cried for about an hour and had to use my nitro spray and lay on the couch for about 2 hours as my chest pain and arrhythmia was so bad.

On top of this, two days ago my son Thomas met this cardio (he has connections in our SMALL town with the music scene, as he owns several properties and holds gigs in them, and he knows Thomas plays in a band etc)...well, as he met Thomas he (cardio) said ''Before we talk about anything else I want to talk about your mother, she was at my clinic last week and I ''flipped out with her, but dont worry about her she is ''well''. ...then went on to talk about regular stuff. My sons girlfriend was there as well so now she know my personal business. I mean, how unprofessional can you get.

I really feel like doing something about this guy, but theres probably no point in making a complaint to my local hosptial because he is treated like a god over there.
Wow...I am so sorry to hear this. I can only imagine how upsetting the whole situation is for you.
I do feel that you need to get this resolved one way or the other for your sake. Do you even want to see this cardio again? I know you don't feel it will be of help, but I do feel strongly that you should write a letter. You won't know the outcome until you do it.

Can you get a new cardio?

Thinking of you...
The guy's a nut case!!! He should get out of the profession, and do something else like mow lawns for people where he won't have to relate to them. What a jerk and how unprofessional. I'm glad you told him off.

Are you permanently stuck with this guy or do you have some options?
I don't know how your health system works but do you have no choice as to which doctor you wish to see? Must you see the one 'assigned' to you? It doesn't seem possible you can ever have a good doctor/patient relationship with him. That is so necessary for good treatment. I feel awful you had this horrible incident. Best Wishes.
Thank you all for your replies. Believe me I NEVER want to see that man again. Nancy your so right. He should not be working at this job, he definitely lacks people skills. I am seeing an ep cardiologist in Dublin in July so Im hoping he is going to DO SOMETHING with me to halt my decline.

I think I am going to write a letter of complaint to the medical council. I feel like I cannot let him do that to me without answering to somebody about it. Iv been going to see him for 10 years but never liked his manner. He would speak to me without looking at me. Honestly, all I would see is the side of his face and he stared at my file. I complained about him many times to my GP and she told me that she had lots of women complain to her about him, but not one man. Go figure !!!!!!!
Glad you are getting away from this doctor. I don't have any advice for you, but wanted you to know that I am thinking of you as well. It's bad enough to be sick/unwell but to have to be treated like you were is totally unforgiveable! Will be praying for you!

Sorry Jacqui that you are having soooo many problems ! Some Dr's have a horrible bedside manner. It's my opinion that they need to find another career, within the medical community, or another career PERIOD. You are absolutely right to react the way you did. You do not have to continue seeing a Dr. that is so unprofessional, and way out of line! I myself would NEVER stand for it.

Good luck and take care
I don't think that man (cannot call him a doctor) would stand a chance here. He'd get so many complaints he'd be drummed out of the profession.

I hope you do write a complaint letter and make sure you tell them how upset you were and how it made you feel physically, heartwise to have him blow up with you over a seemingly innocuous thing. Maybe he's having a nervous breakdown, or is burned out. Something is very wrong with him, that's for sure.
Unreal! I'm sorry you had to go through that. With the patient privacy LAWS, sounds like he broke that when he discussed what he did with your son! He needs to keep in mind that HE is working for YOU and he cannot talk to you or treat you like that. I would definitely have him reported, no matter what. Praying for you!
unbelievable. Good for you going to write a letter of complaint to the medical council.
Wow, Jacqui.....that is too much! I cannot believe that doctor acted so unprofessionally to you & then had the nerve to discuss you in his conversation with your son & his girlfriend! :mad:

I would be outraged & already working on a letter to the medical board or whoever he has to answer to. That is so NOT acceptable & you should not have to stand for it! As others have said, he has no business in that profession.

Find another doctor because clearly this guy is NOT listening to you or even concerned with your welfare if he acts this way!

And, don't back down on writing that letter! He needs to be stopped in his tracks!
Under NHS, can someone choose which doctor they want? Leave one and go to another at will?
I am not asking out of anything but desire to be educated. I simply don't know how it works.
Thanks, anyone who can explain.
How can you feel comfortable with a cardiologist if you already KNOW you can not trust him? Sorry you have to go through this.
Try to report this guy!
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Under NHS, can someone choose which doctor they want? Leave one and go to another at will?
I am not asking out of anything but desire to be educated. I simply don't know how it works.
Thanks, anyone who can explain.

In my experience of 3.5 years of living there, you can not choose at will and pick up the phone and make an appt. with a Dr. like we do here. Everything has to run through your GP, who picks the Dr. you will see. It is similar to our HMO systems, but to the extreme. I did have a situation where I didn't care for the OB I was sent to because I was considered a high risk pregnancy, and I told my GP I would not see the man again (he wanted me to agree to abort if we found that my child had a heart condition when we did an echo on the baby in utero), so my GP did arrange for me to see someone else. I'm sure that people who are from there and have used that system their whole life are ok with how it works because they know how to "work" the system, but I didn't and found it to be very restrictive and frustrating. I'm sure they would be as bewildered by our system.

Jacqui, I'm so sorry you continue to have problems with both your health and your Dr's.

Hi Jacqui! so sorry you had to experience this. If I had read your post 13-14 months ago, I would have been flabbergasted at the behaviour of this man. However I had a very similar experience May 2009. Lucklily for me, the doc in question was a registrar not my consultant, with whom I have no problem whatsoever.After about 3 months, which gave me time to cool off a bit, i wrote to my consultant. I received an understanding letter from him, which has made me feel a lot better. I am UK patient. Cd you ask to change consulltants? Heart problems are stressful enough without feeling we have to go into battle with cardiologists, just to be heard.
Thanks for the insights into how the system works.
Jacqui, I hope you are able to see another doctor from whom you will receive better treatment. What an awful situation.

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