Something I haven't shared with you all

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Some pics of the accident Chris was involved in.

Mr. Riley's car. The Drunk Driver. Cause of the accident.



After hitting Savannah, her mother and Chris, he went airborne and struck the side of a tanker truck.


Savannahs car after impact. Chris was in the backseat. Mother in law to be, was killed on passenger side. They were also struck by the blazer in the picture after the headon.



Unbelievable! This is making me cry. You must have stomach cramps looking at those pic. I am so, so sorry that it happened! I will never understand how people can drive drunk.
Incredible. Makes me somewhat sick to my stomach. I can't imagine how all of you feel.
Just shocking and sickening, Ross. I hope you don't look at them too often!
Kind of hard to believe more people weren't killed. I sure hope that idiot never sees freedom again.
God seems to be a plan for everything. I'm so sorry this one involved your son, and the people he loved.
Ross, this just breaks my heart. It's amazing that anyone walked away from that. I'm like Phylils, I hope you don't look at them very often. They made me cry! I've been very tearful hear lately and this was just the icing on the cake. I'm so sorry that you had to go through this with your son. Hugs & prayers coming your way Ross.
Oh my ... what an absolutely horrific sight :(. It's amazing so many people survived that accident.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"Something's wrong in the world today" ... Aerosmith ... 'Living On The Edge'
How horrible
Chris is very lucky to be alive. It must be so hard to look at these pictures
He spends his time feeling sorry for himself now. I had to drag these out and remind him that it could well of been him in the passenger seat and him that went to the morgue and not the hospital.

I'm doing all I can to help him, but he's doing nothing to help himself and I'm at my wits end with it all.
omg - what a terrible wreck. my heart goes out to your chris, to have such a brush with death and to lose mom-in-law to be right there in the car with him, i honestly don't know how quickly i'd snap back myself. i had a friend who's wife was driving with her mother and their son and was hit head on by a drunk that came over the double line suddenly. the grandmother was killed and my friend and his wife dealt with the reality of what happened for a very long time. their child was fine and too young at the time to comprehend what had happened.

i wish your family peace,
wow. that is unimaginable destruction. what a miracle that chris & savannah even made it out of there alive. I know you are going through difficult times with Chris right now, but I am so glad that you still have him here with you. I hope & pray that things will get better.
How awful, but what a Blessing that tanker didn't explode. You must feel like someone punched you in the stomach when you look at these. I am sorry Things are so frustratng for the innocent victims and their families, most of all you. and in the mean time the scumbag gets his 3 meals and bed w/ out worrying about money like the victims are. It really isn't fair. and I'm so sorry. Lyn
Ross, I am so sorry for what you and your family have gone through and are still going through. I was wondering, is Chris depressed or suffering some form of post tramatic stress ?? I know he has terrible physical injuries to contend with, but has he emotional stuff that could be addressed which would help you all in the long run. Either way, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Look after yourself in all of this. Jacqui.
Ross, my prayers are with you. I went out to my daughter's car this am and found puke on the window and inside. either she or her boyfriend were so drunk they had to puke. and then drove. my wife has moved out and is so non-confrontational that she refuses to deal with things like this -- she won't admonish our daughter no matter what the issue -- that's always been "my" job.

at any rate, i will give my daughter a hug and pray that she doesn't drink and drive and i am going to show her these pictures.

keep hanging in there. your strength is a beacon.
