Some things are just not fair

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2006
Jersey, Channel Islands (British Isles)
Having been a member here for a while and reading stories of young children desperately ill, of people here desperate to live I can't help thinking that somethings are just not fair.

My ex-mother-in-law had rheumatic fever as a child and as a result she had a heart murmer. She was taken out of main school and home-schooled as she was so delicate, something fairly unusual in the UK. He robust sister who was great at sport and generally the 'healthy one' died when she was in her late sixties but my frail m-i-l lived on, and on, and on...

Yesterday she died, she was 102 last October! She spent the last twenty years of her life saying she wanted to die and get it over with, her husband was dead and things were happening that she didn't like - I won't go into details but it was to do with her son's choice of a second wife.

So far my ex hasn't bothered to contact me or our children to let us know, it was a family friend who told me.

One cannot be upset about her death, she was old and in poor health, blind and had dementia, so no quality of life. I just feel sorry for my children who have lost a grandmother and who have a father who hasn't bothered to tell them of her death.

They haven't seen him for years as he stopped contact soon after meeting his new wife, she took priority over them. He really is the pits, he didn't think to tell them that he had adopted his wife's children, they found out in a roundabout way. You cannot be lower than that, to neglect your own children then adopt someone else's children.

It won't be a barrel of laughs gong to the funeral, his ex-wife is likely to be quite unbearable. I will be going for her, and for my children. Fortunately I have a good friend who knew her and will come with me. It seems ironic that I should miss my own mother's funeral (she died the day after my stroke) then attend hers.
No things are not fair and I find myself fighting the feeling all the time anymore.

Sorry it went down that way Sue. I know it hurts.
What I meant by some things not being fair is that for the past twenty-odd years she has WANTED to die and just kept on going, and going... Then you get young people desperate to live who die prematurely. THAT is what isn't fair.

Mind you, it goes to show that you can live with a murmering heart for years with no apparent problems.
You are Soooooo Right Sue...

You are Soooooo Right Sue...

We just had a 4 year old girl over in the next town from me pass away suddenly with her grandmother after they were caught in the strong current of a flooded river, so I can certainly sympathize with you. I saw the suffering that my own grandmother went through and I keep asking myself, why did she have to linger and suffer as she did. Please know your in my thoughts and prayers. Harrybaby:( :eek:
Sue, you're taking the high road, that's the best you can do. Let others take the low road, they'll be all the worse for it.

Lots of icky things in your life, but you came out a winner!
Sue, you are right, some things are just not parents used to tell me to get used to it, that life is often not fair at all. (no kidding).
The important thing is that you are going to the funeral and paying your respects.
Well I would like to be a fly on the wall in my ex-husband's house! I went to his mother's funeral this afternoon and at the beginning of the service the pastor announced that everyone was invited to go back to the house afterwards for a barbeque - slightly bizarre.

I held back and someone asked if I was gong to the house and I said that I didn't think the invitation extended to me and the older girl went off and returned saying EVERYONE was invited, so I went. His wife's face was like thunder. :)

I was able to get some photos for my daughter of her half-brother and adoped half-sisters, plus a niece she didn't know she had.