I was into visual astronomy about 25 years ago. I have taken shots underwater, topside, and now going to the heavens. That shot was taken with a Seestar telescope. It is quite the cheat it has built in gps, Wi-Fi, Hydrogen/Oxygen filter, triplet 50mm lens design. It is on an Alt/Az mount which is not ideal for astrophotography. That is why I shoot 10 second exposures that are stacked one on top of the other unless there are star trails which then it gets tossed. That scope is about $500 US. Smart telescope. The second scope, Evostar 120mm has not seen anything yet, it is worth 10 times as much. Has 2 astrocameras, One for guiding, and the other cam is for the main scope which is 765mm focal distance since I have a $400 dollar chunk of glass that brings it down from 900mm at F7.5 to 765mm at F6.1. It speeds up the scope. I have an Zwo ASI533 color cooled pro camera and a Zwo ASI120 black and white guide camera. The red box on the scope is a computer with Wi-Fi and GPS. The mount is computerized Go-to in an Equatorial mount which will allow several minute exposures because the guiding is so precise. It is able to hold up a payload of 40 pounds. Going to Southern Cross Astronomy Party at Key West to start taking pics of Southern Hemisphere constellations. Have to learn a brand new photo processing program called Siril , which is a free program. It is different from photoshop in that it is not a paint program but one that you can subtract the stars from the nebula, then accentuate the data you captured and bring stars back in. It is a complex mathematical program to enhance your image. I want to take a pic of the heart nebula for obvious reason, since it means so much to all of us. My field of view is too narrow and this will require a Mosaic to put it all together. I read a book on a primer of astrophotography and the first 3 chapters took me back to college physics where you are trying to capture photons of light from object and not photons from light pollution, camera heat/noise, dark energy. It bends my head with the science and it makes me feel that I am one with the Universe.