He's a cutie!
I do see Lyn's point, but I think the bottom line is that Talon needs you.
Our best friends (who live next door to us) have all 3 of their adult children at home right now. 2 transferred from an away college to live at home and finish, and 1 graduated but doesn't have a job that pays enough for her to get her own place. Their adult independence doesn't seem to be in the near future. We often comment on how between our 2 families there is no happy medium. My kids (and granddaughter) are states away, their kids are bumping into them as they go in and out of the bathroom. After all our friends' kids moved back home my son said "Mom - admit it - you'd love it if we moved home." I told him that they were more than welcome to come back home if they needed to, but that "no I didn't want them living in my house, but a close geographic area would be nice."Heck just having Chris here is a high stress job! I often wonder if we'll ever have this house to ourselves. Going on 29 years of having someone here all the time. It's getting old.
Chris, well, he's out that door as fast as possible if there is work to be done. Funny how he can do that, but can't go look for a job or get his butt back into school and learn a new trade that he can do. He knows how to stay out until 3 or 4 in the morning.
..and just who is unlocking that door for him at 4AM...??