Some of you have asked for a new pic of my grandson

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He's a charmer - just like his Grandpa!

I'm with you - I'd take my granddaughter around here anytime - forget the alone time!

I do see Lyn's point, but I think the bottom line is that Talon needs you.

He is adorable! I am still waiting. For now, my husband and I will just have to make do with our Pug Sandy, for a grandchild.
I do see Lyn's point, but I think the bottom line is that Talon needs you.

That's just it. I don't want this child to be a center position for these silly wars between mom and son. Sometimes I really don't understand Lyn. I think maybe she's having a hard time knowing she's a grandma and about to become grandma again in September.
He's a cutie! No doubt got those genes from Lyn's side of the family! ;)
Adorable, my 17 year old would refer to it as his "cuteness factor" which is very high as a baby and starts decreasing sometime during preschool and disappears when they get their first permanent teeth!!!
he is really growing up, isn't he?

I can see Lyn's point. when our greats are here, there comes a time for them to go home. being with an infant on your days off can be stressful. We know Lyn loves him to pieces, tho.

We know how much joy he is to you - just by looking at his smile.
What a cutie pie. I also get Lyns point. We have 9 grandchildren and while the older ones who are able to wait on themselves are around alot, I don't get the little ones too often on the weekends. When I retire next year I intend to make it up to them and they can come stay as much as they want with Pawpaw and Mawmaw. I have a high stress job and I really need my weekends. But, they all know I love them equally.
Heck just having Chris here is a high stress job! I often wonder if we'll ever have this house to ourselves. Going on 29 years of having someone here all the time. It's getting old.
Heck just having Chris here is a high stress job! I often wonder if we'll ever have this house to ourselves. Going on 29 years of having someone here all the time. It's getting old.
Our best friends (who live next door to us) have all 3 of their adult children at home right now. 2 transferred from an away college to live at home and finish, and 1 graduated but doesn't have a job that pays enough for her to get her own place. Their adult independence doesn't seem to be in the near future. We often comment on how between our 2 families there is no happy medium. My kids (and granddaughter) are states away, their kids are bumping into them as they go in and out of the bathroom. After all our friends' kids moved back home my son said "Mom - admit it - you'd love it if we moved home." I told him that they were more than welcome to come back home if they needed to, but that "no I didn't want them living in my house, but a close geographic area would be nice."

I was listening to Obama's speech at Notre Dame (and not to get political) but when he was encouraging them to (and I'm paraphrasing) not get caught up in the financial greed of the past decade, but to give of themselves, my thought was "Every parent in that audience is thinking - what the heck did I just pay all this money for? Not so I have to keep on supporting them! I want my house to myself!"
I wouldn't mind it so much if he just help out around here. Lyn has to do the majority of the work. I can do limited amounts of it, but Chris, well, he's out that door as fast as possible if there is work to be done. Funny how he can do that, but can't go look for a job or get his butt back into school and learn a new trade that he can do. He knows how to stay out until 3 or 4 in the morning. :mad:
My 35 year old daughter has been living with us since the night of our fire in Nov. She is divorced and has joint custody of my 14 and 9 year old granddaugters. Her ex only lives about 5 miles from me and they get along great so there are no problem with the girls being here as much as they want. She does work full time and does almost all the laundry and housework for me. She is planning to move out soon but she just doesn't make enough. She tried once and ended up with us. I hope she is able to move out when we retire next year but if not we will be okay. I realize how hard it is for her to make it on her own.
Gonna have to put your foot down dad...and tell that boy he has to meet certain responsibilities around the house before he nicks off into the night...

Its amazing the amount of young adults that live at home still...ours dont plan to move out forever apparently...somehow these kids should contribute to the financial health of the household though.
Chris, well, he's out that door as fast as possible if there is work to be done. Funny how he can do that, but can't go look for a job or get his butt back into school and learn a new trade that he can do. He knows how to stay out until 3 or 4 in the morning. :mad:

..and just who is unlocking that door for him at 4AM...??:eek:
When my husband got a transfer back to Texas, we lived with my parents for 3 weeks while I was looking for a job and trying to decide where we were going to live (Houston is a big city!). I was 29, married, and had a 9 month old. If we were going out to eat, shopping, or anything else, we told my parents where we were going and an approximate time that we would be home. I also helped with cooking and laundry. Mom had a maid, but we still cleaned up after ourselves because it was the right thing to do. You and Lyn need to tell him that he either pays his way with cash or with sweat equity. The longer you let his irresponsibility go on, the harder it will be to change.