Mary said:For a different perspective, try reading this thread from the ACHA site. These are people who have undergone heart reops and have had to choose which valve type as adults.
I'm thinking it was the right thread that I read. I didn't really anything different from what we read here. Unfortunately, I also read some of the same myth about warfarin that we get here too.
Hey Cort and Lyn, we knew you cheated on us - but this was proof!!!!
StretchL said:I think that the valve choices and surgical outcomes of places like CCF, which manages thousands of VRs and other cardiac surgeries a year, is mightily important information... probably more important than the experience of any small group of non-randomized individuals when it comes to the real choices faced by those of us in line for surgery.
I agree somewhat, but still feel that we also need to acknowledge that even the best facilities have their biases and at 11% - that's a very strong bias and it's appropriate to question why.