SoCal Lori's surgery tomorrow

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
Hi Lori-

Just want to wish you the very best surgical result possible.

Bon Voyage and smooth sailing. I hope someone can post and let us know. We'll all be waiting to hear.

Talk to you later.
I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Best Wishes for an unevenful surgery. Keep us posted.
Kathy H


SoCal Lori,
We will be thinking of you tomorrow. You will be in great hands with Dr. Laks. He is our HERO. Know you will receive excellent care at UCLA. We will be eager to hear about your surgery/recovery.

socworm's Mother
Hey Lori,
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hope everything goes well for you tomorrow. Keep us posted.
Take Care
Hang in there, Lori!

We're all praying for you and will wait to hear how you came through.