So Glad to see Next Year's Reunion Location!

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Awesome Price.

Awesome Price.

That is an awesome price for a cruise. Wish my husband and kids could come along. Unfortunately it's right in the middle of football season and school for us. My son plays, my husband coaches, my daughter cheers, and Oh yeah..I work at War Memorial Stadium and have about 7 college games to do (2 will be nationally televised, one will be the 28th on ESPN) and about 15 high school ones. Too bad! Sound like a lovely time! Hope you all have lots & lots of fun.

God Bless!
Yes, please put me on your St. Louis list as well. It seems there is interest in meeting there. If you plan a summer may have a nice turnout:)
Sherry and Gina,
Dave justed posted about his and Marsha's trip on another reunion thread. It would be great if we could all meet up for Saturday into Sunday (6/7), but they will be there through the week too.
St. Louis is great in May!
Man! I SO wish I could go... And it's the week of my birthday too, so it would be a double treat... But there's no way. :( I just don't get that many days off in a the middle of the school year (not if I want any left over for actually being sick). I'll be super jealous of all that go.

One thing, though. Does the fact that it's on a boat mean that those of us at home won't be getting up-to-the-minute updates, like we have with past reunions? That would be a shame.
Gina: You and Janie missed Vegas 2002 reunion. That was when I met Rain and Greggo the first time. I think that was the third reunion, my second, as I didn't find this site until May 2001, just before the Nashville reunion in Oct 2001.

Not sure if I'm going to make it for the cruise. I have a wedding which is either Oct 20 or Oct 27th. I have to check that out. Also not sure if I'll be able to get a full week off. Another thing to check. Rates sound really good. Never been on a cruise so I hope I can make it. Carol has already declined as she's not thrilled about cruises. If I can't make it, this would be the first reunion I'd miss since I joined VR.COM! :( I'll check back in when I know more for sure. Cruise 2006 Cruise 2006

The way things look today, I don't think we can go on this reunion cruise. Gordon and I had already planned a Western Carribean cruise from October 7 - 15th. To do the next one a week later is a bit much. But I am not going to rule it out completely.
Lorraine, you may be right about missing the first Vegas gathering? So many times we have done mini unions....that I have lost count. Looks like you can mark me down to miss that cruise:( Like yourself....that mid week stuff just does not fly. Especially during the school year!
Most ships have an internet cafe so updates will definately be possible! For a nominal fee, but it really isn't that bad. I usually racked up about $14.00 per cruise at the internet cafe, and I was online daily.

Christina--You could just do a back to back cruise! That is my dream!
Got my attention

Got my attention

Hi got me. The cruise sounds great!!!! Kind of awesome to receive an invite. We are going to call tomorrow or Monday and see about joining you all. ;)

Tim (husband of Ann) and owner of a brand new 2006 St. Jude

Yea, I am reading and posting now!


We will be glad to go on the cruise. I have already be on this same one with by daughters when My oldest was living in L.a. some yrs ago. My youngest is graduating in May and has been offered jobs in Tampa, Alabama, In. Both Girls finally have good husband material. I see wedding in our furture. Thank goodness for Mike Aunt's will. She left money for all the great niece's to get married in style! Bless her heart, I hope she will be smiling from heaven.