I do what Mom2izzy does. I play pool every wednesday and I bum a cig or two from a friend. Every so often I buy him a pack in exchange.
I quit when I was told I had to have surgery. I've had 3 operations in the past, and knew rehab from major anesthesia is always a bitch for a smoker. However, if I was told I had 3 months to live...I'd start smoking again. For us smokers, it's a great thing.
Before that I did what a radio phsych suggested. If you can't quit, cut down by making rules about smoking. For example, only smoke with friends, don't ever smoke in the car or house, etc.. Measure out your cigarettes so you enjoy them more. For example, if you smoke a pack a day, this is about 1.5 cigarettes an hour. Cut back to 1 per hour, and if you miss an hour, don't make it up. After you get used to the lower smoking rate, cut it to 1 cigarette every 2 hours and so on. Sounds like you're already doing this now. Just make some real rules (e.g. two cigarettes a day) and stick to them. You'll be healthier, save money and still get to have a smoke.
I let myself buy a pack, but I can only smoke two and have to throw it away. I've done that twice this year in times of bad stress.
My company has done studies on smoking cessation. Cigarettes are less physically addictive than caffiene. It's all in the "head."