We are obviously all different!!! I spent many weeks in my recliner! When I did nap during the day (and then eventually, left the recliner for night-time in bed) I would prop myself up on the bed with as many soft squishy pillows as possible and sleep sitting up. I found that if I duplicated the feel of the recliner, by having a pillow under each arm (like the armrests) I was able to get to sleep for longer and longer periods. I think I even put a small pillow on my lap to rest my hands on. I'm not sure why all that cushioning did the trick for me, but it did. I did not like that pressure feeling when I lay on my back, either, for the record.
I do think Freddie is right, though. It never hurts to run any pressure related feelings past your doctor. You've paid them a bundle!! Call them anytime!!:wink2: