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I was kind of the other way around. I liked my surgeon and how he treated me a lot more than my cardio. Anyway, hope you keep having a good recovery.
You guys are amazing, I thought it was just me that this was happening to, I should have asked the question myself.


Perhaps as heart "patients", we are a little too in tuned with what our hearts are doing or not. I had several of these especially during my hospital stay, but of no concern to the staff so my mind is at ease.
Hello Sheepdog, The North Country is good if you like lots of rain, 20 wet days out of the last 24! I have a shinny new On-X valve and webbed feet! The 4 clear days have been perfect.

My surgery was on July 16th, I am a couple of days shy of 5 weeks off the table. Today I was up at 6AM, at my desk at 7:30, I am active at my job, on my feet most of the day, but no lifting or quick shifting around.

I worked to 3:30 PM, Home for a quick eat, Then coached a middle school football practice for two hours. (with two assistant coaches) Very little pain, very little fatigue, I feel good. If you were to ask me if I would be feeling like this two months ago I would not have believed you. I think I am the poster child for the soft landing.

I had a handful of knots and pain hot spots but most went away with my walking. I still have some odd heart rhythms from time to time and that baby thumps away on occasion but it hasn't jumped it's way out of my chest yet!

I know your recovery will get better each day. You'll be out busting crackheads in no time!


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