Hello Sheepdog, The North Country is good if you like lots of rain, 20 wet days out of the last 24! I have a shinny new On-X valve and webbed feet! The 4 clear days have been perfect.
My surgery was on July 16th, I am a couple of days shy of 5 weeks off the table. Today I was up at 6AM, at my desk at 7:30, I am active at my job, on my feet most of the day, but no lifting or quick shifting around.
I worked to 3:30 PM, Home for a quick eat, Then coached a middle school football practice for two hours. (with two assistant coaches) Very little pain, very little fatigue, I feel good. If you were to ask me if I would be feeling like this two months ago I would not have believed you. I think I am the poster child for the soft landing.
I had a handful of knots and pain hot spots but most went away with my walking. I still have some odd heart rhythms from time to time and that baby thumps away on occasion but it hasn't jumped it's way out of my chest yet!
I know your recovery will get better each day. You'll be out busting crackheads in no time!