Six month CT scan

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kpearse Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 13, 2009
Colonia,NJ USA
Measurement of the aortic cusp above the prosthetic valve is unchanded at 4.3 cm. The mid asending aorta measures 3.9 cm borderline. Images through the upper abdomen show a questionable tiny adrenal nodule measuring 8 mm. Also a question of a tiny hypodensity in the anterior upper pole of the spleen measuring 7 mm. There is a small bulla at the lung apices bilaterally. A tiny juxtapleural nodular density in the left lower lobe? There is apparent left ventricular hypertrophy.
So, I wait another six months. What do you think?
You sound like me. All these bumps and blebs showing up in weird places. 6 months reevalution sounds good to me.

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