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Hi Lorie

Hi Lorie

Like you I have open heart surgery coming up in the next few months, I also have rather large ****s, I have been searching for a bra for a few weeks now, I came across this site on one of my many sleepless nights, they are rather expensive $120 aussie so thats about $150 American I think, Im going to buy one this week I will let you know how it goes, wishing you all the best with your upcoming surgery, I think all this waiting and seeing doctor after doctor is the worst part, once you find the doctor of your dreams you will have peace of mind, I know I am a lot more settled now than I was a couple of months ago when I found out surgery would be soon.
Take care
Janine said:
Like you I have open heart surgery coming up in the next few months, I also have rather large ****s, I have been searching for a bra for a few weeks now, I came across this site on one of my many sleepless nights, they are rather expensive $120 aussie so thats about $150 American I think, Im going to buy one this week I will let you know how it goes, wishing you all the best with your upcoming surgery, I think all this waiting and seeing doctor after doctor is the worst part, once you find the doctor of your dreams you will have peace of mind, I know I am a lot more settled now than I was a couple of months ago when I found out surgery would be soon.
Take care

If you do a search for surgical bra a few threads come up. one of them gave a link to these
Janine said:
Like you I have open heart surgery coming up in the next few months, I also have rather large ****s, I have been searching for a bra for a few weeks now, I came across this site on one of my many sleepless nights, they are rather expensive $120 aussie so thats about $150 American I think, Im going to buy one this week I will let you know how it goes, wishing you all the best with your upcoming surgery, I think all this waiting and seeing doctor after doctor is the worst part, once you find the doctor of your dreams you will have peace of mind, I know I am a lot more settled now than I was a couple of months ago when I found out surgery would be soon.
Take care
oops!!!! got that the wrong way round $120 aust is about $110 american...guess who is no good with money??
I ordered from and bought both the surgical bra and the surgical vest. It turned out the vest was more comfortable for me, so I sent the bra back. They are a nice little company and I would do business with them anytime.

:) Marguerite
notes on bras

notes on bras

harleygirl528 said:
I did have one more question about the bra and sternum healing..Ross mentions that the "glands will be tugging on the healing sternum"...I am somewhat large busted....and am now wondering how that will play into the healing of sternum...they are heavy and without a bra definitely will be tugging on healing incision...has anyone experienced this and what did you do? I even thought about "wrapping them up with something or how about those tube type bras...a little support will probably be necessary for me to avoid that tugging on the incision.

So glad to hear that many of you did NOT have problems post-op. I am going to think positive and hope that I am one of those...but be prepared as well for the "bumps along the road."

I think the recliner is a good least initially, but I hope that I am one of those who can sleep in my bed relatively soon....

By the way, I was able to schedule another consult with Dr. Verrier at the Univ of Washington in 6 days. I think a couple folks on this site and used him and been very happy...apparently he is like the top cardiothoracic surgeon in the Northwest. Also, still waiting to hear back from Cleveland Clinic.

Take care everyone and thanks for making me feel more confident, and making me smile...every day!

Harley - this is probably way too much info for some, but here goes...I had a mastectomy with no reconstruction and therefore just have one ****ie. I took a sleeper bra (snaps in front and not very much support) to the hospital, and wished I took a good one - my **** hanging down did put some added pressure on my incision. Since being home I'm wearing my regular bras and it feels so much better.
Just for the record I haven't had any post-op problems to write home about.
I found a recliner at a consignment shop for $75 - it looks and feels brand new. I expected to sleep in it every night, but the first night I felt so bad leaving my husband by himself. We took a blanket and folded it up and put it between the boxspring & mattress, then got a couple of pillows and after a while came up with something reasonable. The recliner is great for during the day since we have 2 stories and our bedroom is up stairs. I tend to snooze in it during the day...MP3 player and eye mask - wonderful!
Would you really travel to Cleveland? My commute was an hour from the hospital, and that was tough!
Thinking positive is the way to go. I also listened to relaxation tapes by Peggy Hudleston - they were terrific.
Good luck!
Thanks to all for the wonderful advice on bras...and thanks to Ross for brining up the "glandular tug on incision topic" I hadn't really thought about the weight and tug of "glands" on incision but looks like it was a pertinent topic as lots of others have chimed in! Thanks especially to Marguerite...who was kind enough to send me a PM and is actually going to send me her surgical bra (saves me $70 and sounds like we are the same size)...the kindness of strangers has been overwhelming....all of you taking the time to answer my multitude of questions and reassure me has meant the world to me. I hope to "pay it back" after I have climbed the mountain!

Donnamarie: I thank you for your candor and I will definitely follow you advice and take the surgical bra to the hospital for use immediately post-op. I also like the idea of putting a rolled up blanket between the mattress and boxspring to create some elevation...I also have my bedroom upstairs so will probably put the recliner downstairs for napping, watching tv, etc. To answer your question, YES, I am willing to travel to Cleveland Clinic to have access to the "best" situation is complicated due to the aneurysm location....I think if I was looking at the valve repair only I would NOT be so willing to travel but there is some additional complexity to my situation. I checked and Continental flies non-stop from Seattle to Cleveland and it only takes 4 hrs 12 min....not too bad. I have head of people driving 8+ hours to Cleveland Clinic. Just knowing I have the best care possible will make it easier. Plus. I plan on staying around post-op for a week or so. I am still holding out hope that the next local doctor that I am consulting with, Dr. Verrier at Univ of Wash, may be a good option and allow me to avoid the transcontinental travel.

Thanks to everyone for the wonderful web-site links for surgical bras...maybe we should add these links to the "what to take to the hospital" sticky...seems there are a lot of large busted women out there facing OHS and this is a real concern.

One little tiny further question, I am supposed to be monitoring my blood pressure twice a day since being put on Metoprolol....the pressures are running 95/70, 98/68.....the top number is under 100 which has never occured before. Is this something to be concerned about? My pulse rate is still in the low 80's or high 70's....
Thanks everyone!
If you fall below 90/? let the doc know. That's too low. Your fine where you are now. Your heart rate may be normal for you. It's not bad.
holding your own

holding your own

My surgeons assist suggested a sports bra night and day. It gave support at night. She said it would keep the incision from scaring to deeply.
I came out of surgery with a surgical bra already on. Check with your surgeon before you spend the money. You do not want to be without one if you are as blessed as I am!

I also went to my local rental store and rented a recliner for a month. I saved alot of money this way. Unless of course you can find a good used one. If you rent you can pick out a big plush recliner to suit your post-op needs and not be stuck with it afterward. (We really don't have room for a permanent recliner but we made room temporarily!

maggiemay said:
My surgeons assist suggested a sports bra night and day. It gave support at night. She said it would keep the incision from scaring to deeply.

That's what I'm wearing now and it's great!