shoulder injury from fall

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bvdr Supporter
Supporting Member
Mar 13, 2003
Pinehurst, NC
Last week I had a cold or some kind of flu bug so just took it easy. I was feeling pretty encouraged about how my body was responding to a respiratory infection. I mean, I felt lousy but not as bad as I would have before my valve was replaced. Saturday I was doing a few chores and some light yard work. Our hose bib is in the garage and just as I was finishing up and walking to turn off the hose I slipped on the wet cement and came down HARD on my left shoulder. You know the one....the shoulder I have always had problems with....the one that Lipitor made almost unbearable...the one that through months of slowly exercising and stretching had become stronger and less painful.

I heard, or maybe just felt, the shoulder pop out on impact and struggled to get in a position to support it so I could get up. I was aware of a second "pop" and when I stood up everything seemed anatomically correct. I did not hit my head when I fell and for that I am very thankful. I had x-rays done late Saturday afternoon and there is no fracture. I do however have a very swollen shoulder and upper arm which is pretty much black/dark blue from the back of my shoulder to below my elbow and throbbing that just doesn't seem to let up. Yesterday I was started on Celebrex and oxycodone. I can not abduct (move my arm away from my body) or lift my arm.

I've been icing, resting, and doing all the right things but I am so mad at myself for not having been more careful! It has gotten steadily worse than better. I won't sit on this too long before seeing an orthopedic doctor...maybe another day or two.
Betty...Betty! Time for a beach chair on a nice white sand beach with crystal clear water.

And don't be mad at yourself -- I always say there are plenty of other people who are better at that than oneself!

Rest, rest, rest..relax! :)
Oh Betty - it makes my shoulder hurt to just read this :(

It sounds like seeing a specialist would definitely be in order. This kind of shoulder injury, on top of your history, can cause permanent damage. You need to make sure surgery isn't needed and, at the very least, need the proper therapy to keep things working.

Take care and good luck.
Oh Betty-

I'm so sorry to hear that. Remember Joe's slip and fall accident in February? Well, don't go into any in-house rehab facilities, they just about threw him into Stage 4 CHF.

His bled and bled internally. It looked horrifying, from his kidney area to his foot, the entire side and back of his leg, totally blue black. He did have to go off Coumadin for a couple of days to stop his bleeding. Scary. And he was using a walker for several weeks, and then a cane. All better now, thankfully.

Keep it iced. I hope the recovery isn't too lengthy. Keep us posted. I'll be thinking about you.
Betty! Take some time to rest and relax and you will be better in no time :)
So sorry to hear that Betty. Don't stay on the Celebrex too long if you can help it -it's still on the market, but remember the controversy about the Cox 2 inhibitors and heart problems. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Why would you wait to see the orthopedic doctor? ( I know, I sound like a nag :eek: !)You have worked too hard to have your shoulder functioning properly to take a chance on losing ground now. Please go see someone and follow their advice on what to do.
Please. :)
Hi Betty!
I am so sorry to hear about your fall. I can relate to the shoulder issues, but yours sounds much worse than mine. I echo what everyone else here has said. You need to go see an orthopedic doc right away. You also need to be careful of the Celebrex. You may want to ask your doctors about that. I hope you are feeling better soon. Injuries like this one usually take awhile to heal.

Take Care!


I am so read about your fall... :eek: Sounds like you came down on your back..thank goodness. you didn't hit your head.... :eek: To be that black and must have really come down hard.........I really hope that you start feeling less pain soon.....Your post and Nancy's reminds all of us on coumadin to be careful..I know, I have forgot several helping Hubby bring a new wide-screen T.V. up the steps, ect.... After 3 years on's easy to forget.....that accidents happen..whether or not we take coumadin.We will be thinking of you..keep us posted..Bonnie
Hey Betty,
I am sorry to hear this. :( I hope everything turns out OK for you and you get to feeling better.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Take Care



That's terrible! :( Sounds like you need to relax in the lazy chair for a while.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery!!
Hey! Wait a minute!

Hey! Wait a minute!

Rice crispies are supposed to snap! crackle! and pop! Not you. :( I'm so sorry to hear of your mishap. I do hope you get to feeling better soon. Hugs. Janet
Oww -- really upsetting when that happens, thankful for no broken bones -- but dislocating a shoulder hurts a lot too.... Hope it starts feeling better soon, good idea to see the orthopedic doc. Regards, Burair
The fall doesn't hurt, but the landing sure as hell does. Rest easy and the best to you for a speedy recovery!
shoulder update

shoulder update

Hi all,

Well, the swelling is going down somewhat and I am able to move it better as well. The pain meds have also really helped. The bruising is really extensive though and has extended down below my elbow which is not surpising since my INR was high when I tested on Sunday. I've got an orthopedic appointment on Tuesday for a follow-up but I feel like I'm on the mend. Thanks for your prayers and well wishes.

As far as the Celebrex goes, it is supposed to be easier on the digestive tract than some of the other NSAIDs(non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). With my history of colitis and bleeding ulcer it was thought to be the safest to try. Hopefully it will only be short term.

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