Should Politics and Religion Be Discussed In The Forums?

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Should Politics and Religion Be Discussed In The Forums?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 55.6%
  • No

    Votes: 16 44.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Oh goodie.....discussion time...

Oh goodie.....discussion time...

I've just voted YES....hope y'all don't mind an outsider getting involved in this little discussion of yours, but being from Northern Ireland, religion and politics are subjects that we find difficult to leave alone.

Maybe Willie Cunningham has the answer to why things got a little outta hand on the thread, and why Ross finds himself in the dilemma of whether to keep the discussion open or cut it off. Willie is a radio presenter from Ohio and he was featured in a documentary on BBC TV the night before the election. It was entitled 'The dirty road to the White House' and showed the real story of the raz-ma-taz and the dirty-tricks, etc. of what happens leading up to the 4 yearly event.

When asked why there was so much interest in this particular election, Willie replied that it was because y'all had two men who were prepared to really FIGHT against each other. 'We all love a fight here in the States,' he said....'that's why we don't like the game of cricket, did you ever see two cricket teams get in a fist-fight?' 'That's why boxing is the most popular sport in the States. Bush and Kerry were prepared to do everything except actually hit each other.'

We are all inclined to give our support to what we believe in and to try to knock down what we don't want to support. I see the 'Four year' thread as simply an opportunity for folks to vent or brag, depending on whether they are Democrats or Republicans. They will each do it in their own way, but obviously they will be influenced in some way by the tactics of the two men they were voting for. I think it is therapeutic to do this and so I voted yes. When communication breaks down, everything ends up in a vacuum so to quote the slogan of British Telecom 'It's good to talk' and it's good to talk about it. But, the harder the fight, the harder the autopsy will be afterwards.

It's the same the world over. Here in UK and Ireland we get all hot under the collar about elections as well. We assume that if the other side wins that life will never be the same again. In reality it doesn't really make a lot of difference. Politicians are really no different from the rest of us, they just have to fight a little harder to get and to keep their jobs. Don't expect either side to work any miracles for you, the Guy who did those died 2000 years ago. And don't ever believe anything that a Politician tells you - that way you won't be disappointed.

Despite the deep divisions, it was pretty obvious that Bush would win again. Kerry didn't have the 'star' quality that ole George has worked on over the past four years. As an outsider who didn't have any axe to grind about party policies, I simply approached it as a personality contest and George Bush won hands down from day one. He had the crowd appeal and he used it to his advantage. He hasn't really become involved in local politics here like Bill Clinton did, but he and Tony Blair are big friends and maybe when they're thru with Iraq they can set to work on another attempt at fixing Ireland.

Being realistic. four years down the line you'll find that not a lot has changed and you'll probably wonder why anybody even bothered to get excited about the events of the past week. All that this does is to stimulate our minds and to make us think and long as we 'think' of each other's feelings and be 'considerate' then the entire exercise is healthy......

....and always remember that when it comes to Politicians, at least one half of the lies they tell are not true.

Cheers, (and I'll vote for 'Bush'-mills any day of the week.) ;) ;) ;)
Hey Ross

Hey Ross

I remember when you joined this wonderfull group......I have never posted a great deal yet I do try to keep up with each one of you. My dearest friends without a doubt.

But if you dare to restrict posts concerning politics and religion, than maybe we should be sure that no one ever ask for prayers or no one ever tells another "God Bless" or Hell no one ever even dare to speak on Church or who they thin k is the best candidate to be our Commander & Chief !!

Yes this is very sticky, especially the last two elections.....but how can we call this great site a place to bond to relieve the stress of our lives without allowing everytopic ??

I agree with someone earlier that said, "if you don't want to read it or if it is not your style....than don't read the posts or replies !!!!!!!

My thoughts.


PS I obviously voted yes>
I'll agree with Bob's clever title "Unrelated Argumentative Subjects". I guess if someone isn't interested, he/she doesn't have to participate in them.

I do, however, have to reflect on what Bonnie said earlier about sixty some odd posts about politics and no good wishes to one of our new post-operative members. That's a bit sobering, and thanks to our dear Bonnie for calling that to our attention.
I like religion and politics and think they have place in this forum. One of my regular AOL boards is " Do you believe in an After-LIfe ?" I have found some of the posts very interesting and they would not be out of place here.
And politics? We need to make some tough political decisions and soon about the future of our health system. We now have more medicine than we can pay for. We have 45,000,000 Americans without any health insurance. They all cannot be out sourced to India! This is politics. I'd like to know how our panelists handled the natural fear of death and the fear of possible bankrupcy, inability to get back to work, etc.
I voted yes...

I voted yes...

and I also voted yes on the other poll...even though I didn't post anything on it. This is mostly because I feel that we're all friends here, and we should be able to discuss anything that we would naturally want to discuss with our friends over coffee etc. .....BUT...

I do believe we need to set some ground rules...Personal attacks against each other should never be allowed! There is a difference in stating your opinion, and calling another individual, (or group of people) total idiots, whether it be for their choice of president of the US...or their choice of mechanical/tissue valve, or which surgeon/hospital is best.

By the way Ross, you are doing a GREAT job as moderator, and if you feel a thread should be pulled because it's getting out of hand...then I will be fine with your decision.
I haven't voted yet...still deciding. I do however find it fitting that the vote so far is about as close as the election vote. It looks like about 1/2 of us will be disappointed with your decision Ross. ;) :D
After much thought I voted "yes." I think as mature adults we should be able to discuss sex, religion or politics. After all, husband and wifes, parents and children. brothers and sisters don't always agree. Like I said before, we need to pray for our president, our country, our leaders and especially our service men and women who are fighting to protect us. I'm proud to be an American, to have the choice to vote, to worship and to pray. We may not all agree all the time, but the one thing that we do have in common is that we all have a "heart" and we're still here in this great big beautiful, wonderful world. As I looked at the marvelous sunset tonight, it made me realize once again that God is still in control.
weekycat said:
Personal attacks against each other should never be allowed!

*raises eyebrow*


But, can we attack companies? ;)


Not that I have a list...or am bitter or anything....he he he.


After much "internal debate", I voted yes on this one.

*awaits shocked gasps to fade away*

While I don't participate in these types of discussions (and barely even read them), I think it would be hard to limit us to what we discuss on here. We are, after all, adults (except, perhaps, for at least 2 companies ;)) and, in a way, these types of threads are how we learn about each other, especially if we don't meet in person.

Every single time I've met someone in person that I first met online via a message board, I've discovered that we have more in common than whatever brought us to the forum in the first place. If we limit discussions on the board, we limit how we learn about each other...especially if we don't meet in person.


But, that's just me....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 31swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72/'6/'9/'81/'7, train/models =
MC Guide =
MC's Future =
OK, I voted...and voted yes (with an astrick*).

I agree that threads containing contraversial topics that won't be moderated should be noted. Or you could just start a forum called "unmoderated". If you wander in there it's "buyer beware".

Boy, this is a very "wobbly" yes vote. I feel the urge to "flip-flop". ;) :D

Seriously, I do consider this site a sanctuary from the rest of the big bad internet. But I just have a hard time swallowing censorship anywhere.
Bryan B said:
I haven't voted yet...still deciding. I do however find it fitting that the vote so far is about as close as the election vote. It looks like about 1/2 of us will be disappointed with your decision Ross. ;) :D
Nope. Won't be my decision, so there will be no need to be mad at me. If someone wants to be mad, look at the majority of members in the forum that want things this way!
One word is coming up that bothers me-Censorship.

Nothing in any of the posts in that thread have been censored. Some have posted and removed THEIR OWN posts, but nothing has been changed or edited. The most I did was lock the thread down until I could get a better understanding of what members wanted in the forum. That is not censorship or censuring!

What people need to realize is that I get complaints and I act on those complaints. Sometimes you do not like that. Well let me tell you something, if you complain, wouldn't you want someone to act on your complaints? There has to be some form of law or rule to follow or else this place would errupt in a civil war.

There are a few folks here that for some reason, believe this is their forum and they have the right to manipulate the owner and admin anyway they please. News flash! It doesn't work like that here. The very few and most often times, lenient rules that you agreed to when signing up will be a requirement and they DO APPLY to you. If you cannot or will not follow them, then expect to suffer the consequences which may or may not include, editing, deleting, closing or outright removal of your thread or posts. I'm posting what everyone agreed to as a reminder. I do so because some feel that things should run the way they want them too, not the way they were intended to be:

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The owners of Forums reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.
Bryan B said:
It was a joke. That's why I put a ;) and a :D after it.
Sorry Bryan, my sense of humor went on vacation through all of this.
Thank you for trying to revive it!
And when I used censorship I simply meant having the freedom to express our feelings here. I wasn't implying that anything had been censored. I did assume that this poll was asking whether or not the membership here wanted to limit certain topics from being discussed in the future, and the word censorship popped into my head. Even though I was the first to express my concern about that thread reaching a boiling point, I'm also in agreement that contraversial topics should be allowed to be discussed as long as it doesn't get personal.

And I understand you losing your sense of humor since you are the one caught in the middle of this issue. I'm betting it will be back soon! :D
It seems so unfair that you are being put in the middle of what should be a forum for calm, intelligent discussions even if they are about emotional subjects. I think heart problems are emotional subjects also and no one seems to be carrying on about people venting on those issues. It just seems to be this election is bringing out the worst in a lot of folks.
I think the creator and moderators of are truly wonderful people who strive to give us a forum to talk about things to our "heart's content" (did I really enter that pun?) and I thank you guys EVERY day for being here. Why some folks don't just "change the channel" is beyond my comprehension.
Thank you for your extreme efforts to make these forums a fun, informative, emotional and privileged place to be.
Smiles, :) :)
Marty said:
I'd like to know how our panelists handled the natural fear of death and the fear of possible bankruptcy, inability to get back to work, etc.

Marty, you may want to start a new thread for this.

I spent some time thinking about what the outcome of my heart problems might be before surgery. In fact, I still do. I didn't have a fear of death and made sure I had signed my living will so I wouldn't end up on a machine eating away my family's financial resources. As I went under anesthesia I prayed that the Lord would take care of my family if He chose to take me home. I also prayed for members of this board and a few other things. I did not pray to have my life spared but that if I was to live to allow me to let my life be of service to others. I thanked Him for the life he had given to me and I peacefully drifted off to sleep.

My husband and I have always been owners of small businesses. The risk of bankruptcy is always out there irregardless of health care costs. We, like many of our friends who have small businesses, have our personal monetary worth tied into the continued success of our business. We have seen friends lose everything and yet, after going through unbelievable torment, pick up the pieces and move on with their lives. The torment I have witnessed was not as much regarding concern for their own financial house but because of how it affected other long term employees and those who depended on the business in one way or another to support their families.

I hated seeing the insurance premiums of our employees go up because of my medical bills. Even though I know in some way it wasn't "my fault", I still feel responsible.

There is a point where I would say no to further treatment. I considered what I would have done if my lip cancer had indeed spread and the next step would have been a radical neck dissection. I talked to my husband about it and I would have said no to that. Palliative treatment...yes, beyond I don't know if it would have carried over into discontinuing my coumadin as well but I would have had to consider that at some point. I just really believe this life is temporary and to hang on to it at all costs doesn't make sense for me.

I am glad that I don't have to face the inability to work issue right now. That would be a real hard one. I work some in our business and I am not physically able to work at the capacity I once did. If I went back into nursing it would have to be in a role that didn't require the physical endurance that working as an ER nurse did. I do have insurance through our company. If I didn't, I would be looking for a job in nursing.....with benefits.

You are very right about the serious questions of life we all face. I watched my dad as he calmly faced death and said "no" to attempts to extend his life. I watch my mom now as she copes with advanced Parkinson's and is totally dependent on others for every aspect of her care. These are not easy topics but ones that are undercurrents that tug on us and affect us whether or not we allow them to surface.
When does the poll close?

When does the poll close?


That?s why I made the comment about your stress level in Bonnie?s thread ?How long to vote?.... when harpoon made his first remarks about the President. I didn?t mean then... or any time since then that I thought a subject should be ?off limits? as in rules. :eek: I was just trying to for-warn harpoon as to where such a topic would go and let him use his own judgement not to go there. Guess it didn?t work, since he started a whole new thread about it instead!! :rolleyes: lol And sure enough... here you are getting stressed. :( Don?t let it stress you out, Ross man. We love ya.... and those gutless characters who bother you with complaints should post them here. :mad:

Christina.... Did you say you voted for Kerry? :p JUST KIDDING!!! :D

Bonnie, you can?t tell folks where to post any more than you can tell them what to write about. If you do... it?s the beginning of the end.

Marty?s quote: ?I'd like to know how our panelists handled the natural fear of death and the fear of possible bankrupcy, inability to get back to work, etc.?

I would too, Marty! We actually talked about writing a book at one time. I?m tellin' ya, I prayed with more sincerity than I ever had in my life before my surgery. But I must confess ... the last thing on my mind was my children. I love my kids more than I love my own life, and just couldn?t stand the thought of anyone else raising them. Or how hard it would be for them (and my Mom) to deal with my death. I could write a book about my feelings in those three months between hearing ?your heart won?t survive surgery? and the surgery. Actually.... my feelings were pretty close to the surface for a few months after the surgery. It was a pretty overwhelming experience.

I?m sure happy to see that most of us (so far at least) don?t want more rules and restrictions on our posts. :) Geez louise.... would that mean that Hanky poo had to take 'God Bless America' off the front page?! No... say it?s not so!! :eek:

I?m wondering when the poll closes.... :confused: I?m on pins and needles here Rossman. I donno how much longer I can take it!! :eek: :eek: :D