shortness of breath while laying on left side

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Active member
Mar 26, 2010
Hi all havent been here in awhile, Had my mitral valve repaired May of 2010. And have lost insurance so havenot been checked since oct 2010 .Recently i am experiencing sob whle laying on left side, I know sob while flat on back is a symptom but i am fine while lying on back.

Anyhow doesanyone know if this is something i should be concerned about.

Thanks for your help
I would think that any SOB not associated with to much exercise should be mentioned to your doctor
Not being a doctor, the only suggestion I would have is to see if there is a clinic (county, state, free) that offers so type of cardiac work-up. Try to get this checked out so you can have some peace of mind. I know that the economic situation all across the country stinks so I hope you can find some medical opinion that will clear this up. I'm praying for your comfort.
Thanks thats what I kinda figured, guess i was hoping to hear it was normal. LOL

I have been having some slight possible symptoms lately trying hard to ignore them.

The insurance thing shoiuld be figured out soon praying by 1st or mid september to be insured once again. Guess it will wait till then.

Thanks all

Thanks thats what I kinda figured, guess i was hoping to hear it was normal. LOL

I have been having some slight possible symptoms lately trying hard to ignore them.

The insurance thing should be figured out soon praying by 1st or mid September to be insured once again. Guess it will wait till then.

Thanks all


Well first off let me start by saying in Jesus Name may you have favor with the insurance and that you will be fully covered by September 1st, Amen. As far as SOB, yes you should see a doctor when possible but at the same time if these symptoms are not horribly severe enough to make you want to go to the ER try not to get too stressed over them, could be a simple fix that just needs to be addressed. Feeling it while only on your side is a little weird and it could be something totally unrelated to the heart.

I know how strange sensations and SOB feels. SOME of my past SOB and present SOB I think may be of course associated with aortic stenosis and my recent OHS I had 3 weeks ago, but I'm beginning to think that SOME of it may be due to other deficiencies in my body overall as well as being hyper aware of things pre and post surgery.

Please keep us updated on what the doctors say, many times they just shrug their shoulders and might say "don't sleep on your side then" :rolleyes2: :mad2: and than you have to go into detective mode and figure it out when they rule out its not your heart, you look great! :biggrin2:
I had my mitral valve replaced in May of 2010 also. The kicker is this; when I lay on my left side, my heartbeats seem more labored and intense. When on my back or right side they are smooth and not noticeable. Just guessing here but it could be the pressure on the left ventricle that may cause less than efficient EF.

I was watching Dr. Ozz one day, and he spoke of some literature from a reputable medical institute that stated people who sleep mostly on their left side have a higher incedent of heart disease. I do not remember the institution or the %, but it was convincing enough to cause me to modify my sleeping habits.

I now lay on my left side just long enough to get in the zone, and then I flip over and cut some logs.
Hey, I do hope you get some insurance soon, but you may want to double check and make sure your pre-existing stuff is going to be covered right away since you've had a lapse in coverage. I don't know when the Obamacare changes go into effect, but prior to those changes, insurance companies could deny coverage for pre-exisiting conditions for a certain amount of time if there has been a lapse of coverage. Don't want to add to your stress, but just wanted to make sure you knew what was covered and what might not be.

I had my mitral valve replaced in May of 2010 also. The kicker is this; when I lay on my left side, my heartbeats seem more labored and intense. When on my back or right side they are smooth and not noticeable. Just guessing here but it could be the pressure on the left ventricle that may cause less than efficient EF.

I was watching Dr. Ozz one day, and he spoke of some literature from a reputable medical institute that stated people who sleep mostly on their left side have a higher incedent of heart disease. I do not remember the institution or the %, but it was convincing enough to cause me to modify my sleeping habits.

I now lay on my left side just long enough to get in the zone, and then I flip over and cut some logs.

Hey there. When you lay on your left side, it brings your heart closer to your chest wall. This may possibly be the reason you feel a more pronounced heart beat when laying on your left side. This is also the reason why you always lay on your left side when having an echocardiogram done as well. Hope this helps.

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