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Geeez doesn't anyone have one of those drawers and an 17,now 20 year old son whose moved to make his own junk drawers in his own nest now.

I was looking in this drawer you cant see feel and he had a razor in the drawer almost took the tip of my sign finger i give to traffic when im entering out of a no exit lane from mcdonalds cus they wave at me the same way.............anyhow i needed stitches but that meant emergency,hospital i chose to glue it up and bandage it ......never to look at it for along time,hey it healed and after i could look at it and still sign with it at the no exit at mcdonalds (LOL)

and no i hate electric razors for 16 years been using whatever came before the intuition hand razor i luv so much now.:p

Hmmm, zipper2 - maybe God was trying to tell you something? ;)

Hopefully you aren't the lady in the quite large suburban who sped up to the front of the line and merged on top of me yesterday because my signal finger is in good working order!

I thought Canadians were the decorum of politeness. :D


Houston-area traffic is some of the worst in the world. You're just west of Houston, I think, where there's more sanity than in central Houston. ;)
I use a safety razor most of the times and I have shaved with a straight razor a few times (hey, it was good enough for John Wayne). I like to bring the straight razor with me when I go to the hospital. It freaks the nurses out and I normally get a lecture. I just ignore them. They mean well, but I like a good shave.
no problems

no problems

i always use cheap bic plastic razors and never have a problem. sometimes i cut myself; the bleeding is virtually the same as it was before i started taking warfarin.

I should take a picture of my arms and legs for you to show your husband. We're on a week's "vacation", helping our son and daughter-in-law whip their new house into shape before the move. There's a cool little nook in the back of their yard that was full of weeds and sapling trees. I just spend the last 2 days with clippers, shovels and thing-a-ma-jigs making the place into a Secret Garden for my 21 mo. old granddaughter (avatar). My legs and arms look like I rolled in razor blades. I'm still here to tell the story! :D
Karlynn - Reminds me of the time I decided to trim the sago palms!

I was in the nail salon tonight and trying not to listen to one side of a cell phone conversation. The lady had just been put on Coumadin for some kind of clotting problem. First she mentioned, "Well, he wants to keep me on Coumadin for 6-9 months. He said that any longer than that is dangerous." Next she said, "They haven't tested me again, but the doctor doesn't want to raise my dosage because 25 mg is more than anyone takes." (I assume she was talking about daily, so 25 mg is kind of high, but still, you take what works, not what everyone else takes!) She then mentioned that she was about to get her nails done, and then her next comment was, "Well, the doctor said that it was really important that I don't get cut, so I'll just tell them to be really careful." I assume she was talking about the small nicks you occasionally get from manicures. I wanted to scream, but I didn't want her to know I was listening to her conversation!
I would have taken a slip of paper, writtren the address of this site, referred her to Anti-coagulation section and suggest she start reading. I would have quietly handed her the paper and gone on my way.

Truly, I would have done that. I know I would not have gotten into a conversation with her in a nail salon but I could not have stayed silent and leave her so ill-informed.

When someone yaks away on their cell phone in public, loud enough for others nearby to hear, they should have no expectation of privacy IMO

Probably a bit agressive and impolite but it's too important IMO to ignore.
I still have one copy of the VRcom business cards that were distributed (in Chicago?) a few years ago. I would love to have more, or to have the pattern so I could print up my own to hand out.
Bled to Death

Bled to Death

Ahhhhhhhhh...the feel of cold steel on naked flesh...

I used to use blade razors until I nicked myself months ago and bled to death because of the blood thinners I was taking...


We had a poster in the horror stories post say she took her father to the hospital for a stitch from shaving. This is the first and only time I've heard such a thing, have any of you?
After the trouble of going to the ER, waiting, $$$ etc etc the doc probably felt that he had to do something or they would be mad so (s)he put a stitch in. My guess is that the bleeding had already stopped.
I use a decent-but-cheap non-disposable - I like the handles better. I have ALWAYS had nicks, especially round the back of my ankles, and noticed no difference, in fact, if anthing, less cuts, these days. Much the same with bruising, have always bruised easily . . .

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