Sharing happy thoughts

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I write when I cannot sleep and wrote this poem thinking of a friend who once sent me flowers for no reason. Although I knew she sent them, I was thinking what would have happened if I had not known.

I hope you enjoy these thoughts and remember those you love. And remember: "Don't be sad that roses have thorns; be happy that thorns have roses." ;) :D ;)

Someone sent me flowers today
No card, no note, no name, no way
For me to tell who thought so much
Of me to brighten up my day.

I thought of all the folks I know
I listed the names all in a row
So I could figure out who to thank
For giving me this smile, this glow

And as I thought of each on the list
The ones close by, the ones I missed
I began to understand my luck
To have so many folks I've kissed

I still don't know who took the time
To include the little note and rhyme
Placed inside the beautiful buds and
Sent to me at the most perfect time

For you see my day was really bad
I woke up late, I was feeling sad
Just one of those days we often have
That cause us to really miss being glad

So should you ever want to lend
A helping hand to a loving friend
Send her flowers without a note
And all day long she will dote

On spending time thinking of all the love
Family and friends sent from God above
Who hold her tightly in their hearts
As close as a hand wrapped in a warm glove

So whoever you are out there today
Who sent such wonderful wishes my way
I do not need to know your name
I have your love each and every day

Thank you from the bottom of my heart
For letting me be such an important part
Of your life that you knew without a call
How much I needed the time apart

To think of all who love me, all who care
Ones I deeply love, ones with whom I share
My hopes, my dreams and even a bad day
Thank you my friend for being there
GeeBee it is a great gift to have creativity and be able to write poetry. I just would like to have some creativity! Unfortunately I am a technical type not a creative type; however I like to read others prose. :)


What a beautiful poem! Thanks so much for sharing. Looking forward to reading more of your poetry!

Take care,
RobHol said:
What a beautiful poem, Gina! And so appropriate for your 4000th post!

Funny thing is I didn't realize it was my 4000th post. I am glad people enjoyed it.

Ross - if you think I am giving you my address now...............;) :eek: :D ;)
Thanks, Gina

Thanks, Gina

The pillows there, but Gina’s gone, and sleep toke second place one night. While our friend was wide awake, we slept the night away. And while we slept, she thought of us, and formed her gift to start our day.

I choose to think I crossed her mind-at least in some generic way, and that the gift, which crossed the miles, was meant to help me see my day for what it is-a treasure chest of blessings, precious, like that late night gift. I won’t be greedy for these gifts-I hope you get the sleep you need-I hope I profit from your gift-and stay awake for friends in need.
Gina, what a beautiful poem. You have such a wonderful gift. This made my day. I have been so down here lately and you lifted me up. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Glenda said:
Gina, what a beautiful poem. You have such a wonderful gift. This made my day. I have been so down here lately and you lifted me up. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I think we should all take the time to think of all the people who love us. I think we tend to forget we are not alone at times. I know I do so I try to remind myself that I do matter to many people.
I am happy I made a difference to you today because your posts have inspired me many times. Thank you back at ya.;) :D ;)

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