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I get restless legs, too. Has anybody ever said what causes it? I'd love to know so I can stop doing whatever causes it. It is so bothersome. My daughter can't believe in it - wait til she gets it!
Nancy said:
Sometimes I get that restless legs problem when I'm just relaxing watching TV. I found that if I put on support hose (TEDs) the feeling went away. I didn't wear them to sleep, but it did help when I was up or just sitting around.
I have the same problem with "jumpy" legs and leg cramps. I find if I wear leg warmers over leg hugging long underwear bottoms, the warmth prevents the problems. Probably a similar thing to what you are doing - helping circulation. Might just try that soap thing - it can't hurt but it sure sounds strange.


After buying all the OTC drugs for my running nose....Look for the thing you said..found one today..Simply Saline..On the said..for runny noses..:) did it today over my sink..and guess what. NO runny nose tonight.:) After 3 weeks..:) Cannot believe I am posting without blowing my nose.:) .I have a sore on my nose..with all the blowing for last 3 weeks..Been thur 3 boxes of Puffs.:) ....Bonnie
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Our neighbors touted

Zicam and so Wayne and I got some - right after we had bought it and used it a couple of times, there was a big news story on TV about how Zicam can cause you to lose your sense of smell!! The Zicam went right into the wastebasket. I can think of nothing worse than losing my sense of smell - it affects how you taste food, etc. I would rather have a cold. You all may want to read up on this - it could just be an urban legend or it could be true. I didn't want to take my chances.

Also, I just don't like to use medications of any kind - I would have to say that heart medications are probably about the best and most useful of the pharmaceuticals out there, though. There are some things that warrant medications. Most maladies, there is a root cause and a person should change their lifestyle first and foremost.

As for home remedies, when I first start to get a cold, I get out the chicken broth and crush up about three garlic cloves into that with some sea salt for flavor (not much salt of course). I heat up the chicken broth and put the FRESH garlic into the broth right before I drink it so as not to kill the "good stuff" in the garlic. I can't say that it stops the cold in its tracks, but it does lessen the impact. Good thing I LOVE garlic! Drinking this concoction also keeps away the vampires and is not good for your love life. :D

Sleep is good (rest) and warmth and as everyone else says, drinking lots of fluids.

Christina L
Okay - full blown sick. Temp of over 101 even with Tylenol. Can't stop hacking and won't even discuss that further - yuck.:mad: :eek: :mad:

Hot tea with lemon and honey - helps the cough and just makes me feel comforted. Also, lots of chicken soup and lots of water. Everything else sounds terrible and has no taste.

Christina - used garlic in the last batch of chicken soup. Tasted great as I am a garlic lover and staying away from people anyway right now.;) :D

Off to the doctor tomorrow. Hope you all escape this - it is awful.

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