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Jun 29, 2010
Virginia Beach, VA USA
Hi everyone-
I have been reading this site from the shadows for a few weeks. Thank you to all for easing my fears and concerns. Weds. is my day for AVR and aorta repair. Im only 40. Im somewhat scared, yet looking forward to other side so may people talk about on here. I promise to update and be more active on here after my surgery. I hope to ease others who face their concerns and fears. Again, Thank you all from the shadows...Sean
Welcome Sean and thanks for coming out of the shadows. Many of us has walked in your shoes. Will be sending positive thoughts and prayers your way for a successful surgery.
Hi Sean,
We'll be thinking of you and sending all good healing vibes for a successful surgery and bump free recovery.
Best Wishes.
Welcome, Sean. Hope you are making it through what must be a stressful week. My son is having an aortic repair on Wednesday also. I will keep you right alongside him in my prayers. Where are you having your surgery? His will be at Johns Hopkins by Dr. Duke Cameron. We leave on Monday to go down. I wish you a very successful surgery and a good recovery. :)
Good luck. I will be 6 days after you for my second time and it is still scary. It is hard not to be when you are volunarily asking someone to stop your heart. These suregeons are great. We will be fine and in fact better!

Good luck to you.
Sean, glad you have come out of the shadows up in Tidewater, and joined us. There are excellent medical facilities and docs in Norfolk/Va Beach -- sounds like you are all set and ready to go. We will all be in your corner and look forward to hearing from you going forward. All best....
It will be over before you know it.Then you can focus your energy on feeling and getting better and put the pre-op behind you.We will be thinking about you.
Go Sean! I am 43 and just 4 weeks out from surgery - it is and even a bit "surreall" ..............and this forum will help get you through - thanks for posting so we can all wish you well!

Hi Sean,

You'll be in my prayers. I'm not far behind you, my AVR is on Tue the 27th. I've been pretty calm with this so far but the reality of our situation is starting to land on my shoulders. I look forward to hearing from you on the other side.

See you there soon!

God bless, Doug
New Guy--When Im out Ill immediately start thinking of you. Ill lead the way and we will meet on the other side as they say.

Everyone--Thank you!!!! Your words are my rocks.

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