Sex After Heart Valve Surgery?

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Adam 12-21-05

Hey everybody,

I hope this thread is not to risque but I've got a serious question to ask the crew. It has to do with sex following heart valve surgery.

The other day, Robyn (my fiance) and I were talking over the highs and lows of the entire heart valve surgery process. There were laughs and there were tears. It's amazing how that type of two-way, joint reflection can put life into perspective.

Anyways, one of the things we chatted about was whether or not we had sex too fast after my Ross Procedure. So you know, we had sex about 3 weeks after surgery.

That said, I was curious to know if any of you would be willing to comment on this.

FYI, I'm not trying to be too personal. Please do not misunderstand the intent. I'm just trying to understand if there are any rules of thumb / do's or don'ts specific to the topic.

My nurse told me that if I could walk up two flights of stairs, sex would be okay. Did your doctors or nurses share anything with you?

Any thoughts?


Cardio told my husband at 1 month post-op because he was concerned about the sternum. The only concern his cardio ever had was about the sternum - which healed just fine.:)
My hospital discharge papers showed it was ok to resume sexual activity, which my husband was quick to point out. Darn - there went THAT excuse! :D :D J/K!! I had the port access procedure so there was no sternum concern. I would say 1-2 weeks post surgery....I'm just 10 weeks post surgery and it already seems ages ago.
Stanford Univ. publishes the met values of different activities. I was surprised to learn that you expend more energy drying off after a shower than when having sex. Maybe the nurses should have warned us against showers!:p But the showers do make the sex more pleasant for our partners.


Hi Adam,

While I attempted to entice Colleen to join me in my hospital bed a few times, she just wasn't interested. It must have been concern about making alarms go off at the nurses' station. That sexy hospital outfit, IV tubes, and all those shaved areas on my body should have promoted more interest.

We finally gave it a go when I was two weeks post-op. Of course, we took care to avoid avoid putting stress and strain on my sternum. Other than getting out of breath, everything seemed to work just fine.

About 1 month post-op here. Just made sure there was no weight on my sternum so you all can figure things out from there.;) :D ;) No problems and with full permission (not sure it would have mattered anyway) of my cardio.
I did not have a sternectomy so perhaps my cardio's advice was a bit different. I was told upon discharge to restrict lifting but that "anything below the waist" was fine :rolleyes: . You be the judge of what that meant, it was said with a bit of a wink.

My pumpheaded memory is a tad foggy on the exact timing but I'll wager it was 2 weeks, 3 tops.

*grins devilishly*

I would absolutely love to test some of these theories/comments/experiences.

Any single female willing to volunteer to help me?


Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"There's no controlling feelings this strong" ... Lee Greenwood ... 'Touch & Go Crazy'
2 weeks for me, i cant smoke/drink anymore so thats the one thing I can do!
kbheart said:
Stanford Univ. publishes the met values of different activities. I was surprised to learn that you expend more energy drying off after a shower than when having sex. Maybe the nurses should have warned us against showers!:p But the showers do make the sex more pleasant for our partners.

Where did the Stanford researchers get their study group - The Shady Glen Nursing Home??????:D Can't say I've ever needed to take a nap after drying off after a shower.;) (Well, yes I did, but that was before my valve replacement.:) )
When we asked THE QUESTION during my 4 week follow-up with the Surgeon. he said "I would prefer you at least wait until you get home." :p :p

Sure am glad my house didn't have any stairs!!!! PUFF, PUFF!!!!

Cooker, I do agree THAT THING you mention might be a hinderance. Talk about a modern "chastity belt"!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :p :p

And DRYING OFF ain't near as fun as SEX!!!!!! Well, I guess it does depend on what you do with that towel--and WHO is doing the DRYING OFF!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

May God Bless,

Danny :p
Thanks everybody.

Not just for your thoughts.

But, for the stories.

Too funny. :)

Adam, you need to go way back and read our old sex thread! It went on and on. There have been quite a few since then. We love these threads - they are fun, besides being informative.

Maybe I ought to tell you about my last date............ well, maybe not.
Adam, we don't talk politics here, but an occasional sex thread raises the fun level of VR. Life is to be enjoyed, after all!:D
Do tell...

The more details... The better.


hensylee said:
Adam, you need to go way back and read our old sex thread! It went on and on. There have been quite a few since then. We love these threads - they are fun, besides being informative.

Maybe I ought to tell you about my last date............ well, maybe not.
Adam 12-21-05 said:
Do tell...

The more details... The better.


Truth is, I think Ann could run circle around all of us.:D She's a bombshell! And may I also add 13 posts past 8000!!!!!! Congrats Ann! I'm guessing you're one of the few that Ross would be a bit afraid of delivering his "reward" to. :D