Does anybody feel like they and their cardiologist are not a good match? How does one fire a cardiologist? How do you say to the office staff that you want all of your records transfered to some other cardiologists office?
How can I find a cardiologist I trust and believe?
How can you know if all of your records really do get transfered should you request it? Is this type of situation way far off the scale of things to worry about? Do cardiologists offices deal with this type of situation often enough so that my concerns are unfounded?
The only thing I know for sure right now is that I am not happy with my cardio or the staff. We just don't seem to connect.
Yes. Several here have also mentioned similar experiences. I even tried different cardios in the same office. (And I don't think they liked that either.) I don't quite know what the issue was with that lame group except that they specialize in pharmaceutical studies and maybe they just really didn't know what to do with me.
The last recommendation I received from them could have been fatal, had I not taken a more active role in pursuing a second opinion. And not only were they very wrong. The last cardio I saw in that office was extremely rude and dismissive to me. I had taken my husband with me so he could see how they were and he was just shocked. Actually, the cardio even lied to our faces about my echo result. That may sound like a shocking claim. We were certainly shocked -- and bewildered -- and could never figure out what motivated him to do that.
But I hardly knew where else to go. And they were the favorite group of our wonderful family doctor. Once I had records transferred by that cardio office to another cardio and the new cardio was rankled because they just sent over random things, and not the whole file or even an entire report of anything. So even the office staff was deficient.
(A lot of us here have found it necessary to request and keep personal copies of each echo report and procedure report and such. Then we have it when we need it.)
It was a very difficult time for us as we asked around for other names of recommended cardios, and I was feeling pretty badly as my native bicuspid valve was deteriorating, and we hit a few brick walls, but we kept researching, looking, asking, etc.
Maybe that's too much info. Sorry. But your post reminded me of what a difficulty we went through also. Hoping all goes well for you. Don't give up. There are good cardios out there. Best wishes
