Scottie's one year anniversary

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I just realized that this was the date a year ago that our Scottie las had her surgery.

I guess I rememeber it so well because I was only two days behind her.

Hope all is going well for you Scottie. Thanks for leading the way up the mountain for me last year.
Hi Bill....

Hope you're well, too, and thanks for letting us know about Scottie.....Time really does fly, doesn't it. I know, it doesn't seem like a year and 3 months since Tyce had his.

Scottie----may you have many more happy, healthy anniversaries.....

Bill and Scottie...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Many, many more!
Les AVR '93 / '95
Scottie - it was a long haul til you made the climb and it's hard to know that it's been a whole year. But I bet you know it has, right? Hope all is going well with you. Love Ann
Bill, I remember it well last year when it was your turn. I remember when you stepped on board and your journey from then til now. You did good. Hope it's been a really good year for you. Lots happened in that year, hasn't it? Ann
Thankyou Bill and everyone!

Thankyou Bill and everyone!

Bill thankyou very much for remembering...I didn't want to draw attention to the date because it is near such another memory day that is not at all good...but I am touched you remembered.
Thanks for your kind words and good wishes. It is good to be almost normal again. I am so glad you appear to be doing so well too. One day you will have to come over and we'll have a wee dram together:)

Evelyn, Sylvia and Barrett thankyou all for your good wishes and kind words. It was lovely to see them in print. would I have made it up that mountain without your encouragement?...I don't know what I would have done without you ....on behalf of my three children and my wonderful husband I truely thankyou !

Oh by the way Ann...I'm not finished with you yet ...I'm on the list to have some more surgery ...some tidying up ...nothing to do with my valve and not that serious ...but still surgery number 5 or is it six ...I can't keep up ...but knowing the British NHS it will be a while to wait as it is not classed as urgent.
so please stick around Ann.....I hope you are doing better ..I do think of you often over there ....

Let me also add my congratulations on your 1 year anniversary. I agree it sometimes feels like yesterday.

It was Ross, Bill, Tyce, you and me who all had our operations about the same time. We all made it and so far so good.

I get my one year echo on the 29th of October and we will see what the story is.

Lastly can I join Bill on that invite for a wee dram?

Bill and Scotty - I wasn't even around a year ago, but that doesn't stop me from wishing you a happy anniversary. I go in next month for a 6 month echo - one step at a time right ??? Glad you guys are doing ok. Chris
Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary

Hope both of you celebrated your milestones!
Go Scottie, Go. Now you should be able to really chase those Haggis-es around the Highlands!

Scottie I know what you mean. I didn't want to remember mine either, but these folks are making us see the light through all the darkness around those dates of ours.
Congratulations. Happy Valveday to you!!

Congratulations. Happy Valveday to you!!

Well done Scottie. I bet you are feeling better now than a year ago. Do you feel that the whole surgery thing is a bit unreal? I do, or I did until today, when I awoke with a lot of the old shoulder and chest pain I had post-op. ( Probably because I have taken again to sleeping without a bra. Sorry if that is too much info!)

To anyone hunting haggises:- I was told by my Scots music teacher when I was in school, that you should only shoot the three legged ones!!

I bet Scotland is looking lovely at this time of year. Back in 1977 I was up in the Outer Hebrides in October. When it rained, everything was black, but when the sun shone, the colours were out of this world. Just heaven.
Gee thanks again folks ..

Gee thanks again folks ..

I'm touched you're sending me good wishes ...thanks everyone.

Walter're welcome to a large dram anytime you feel like dropping by ..I'd love for you to visit :)

Chris and Nadi thanks for you congrats ...actually I didn't really celebrate ...just gave thanks ....I'm very glad for the year I've just had with my family but it is too near 9/11 not to feel sad.

Mara ...we need to have a chat must know by now that a girl of my great age doesn't go chasing anything around the hills ...never mind the poor wee hagi...(plural of HAggis )...why not ...I'd never catch them :) hope you and hubby are going to come over one day soon and you can have a good try ...that and the famous midge :)

Ross are right ...yep there is light in the darkness ....and you are one of the biggest flames of light I know's a pleasure to read your cheerful posts :)

Nancy are things with you and that wonderful hubby of yours .?...I hope they are going better !

Jane ...your're right last year does seem slight unreal ....maybe I imagined it ...just as well I've got a few scars or I'd think I was really nutty !
Scotland is looking wonderful right now ...on Sunday afternoon I took the dog a walk on our beach and I was singing to the sea ...see I am going nuts ...the sky was blue , the sea blue , the beach golden the grass so green and the hills a spread of mauve ....truely beautiful ....luckily there was noone else for miles to hear me singing ...cept the poor dog ...and he is used to my madness ....if you ever fancy dropping by ..come on up :)
Take care everyone and thanks again

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