Scar is tender

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
It seems like my scar has gotten very tender lately..Can someone put me on the thread where it was being discussed what type of creams, vitamins,ect...was good to rub on it..It has been almost 11 weeks so should be able to put most anything on it..Thanks..Bonnie
Hi Bonny,
Vitamin E oil helps.... but be sure to check with your surgeon first to make sure it is okay.

Take care,
Tender scars!

Tender scars!

Quick go get yourself some silcone sheets at the drugstore, I saw some at the CVS near us. ( I got some from the plastic surgeon)And get some vitamin e oil. You do not want to wait and then have to get the kenalog injections! It hurts really really bad! But it works. I go back for my second round on the 25th. I wish I had done something sooner. Rub the vitamin e oil into the scar and then cut a hunk of the silicone sheet to cover and use paper tape to hold it in place. Try to wear it at night. It helps the itching and tenderness.

Good luck!


Thanks Mara and Zazzy...The only thing I can think of is I have been sitting by the pool but with a coverup over scar...The heat may have aggravated it..but do love that tan..Bonnie..Going to drugstore now
While its true that the sooner you work on the scar the better, I just successfully treated a small area of my incision site with vitamin E cream - 2 1/2 years after the surgery. I had successfully used the cream in March of 2000, leaving a very tiny tender spot.

I ignored it for 2 years because it did not bother me much. When my wife began using the cream for her hands, I took the opportunity to use the cream again. After 3 weeks, the tender area was gone - along with the redness.

Hope this helps.
hi bonnie!
i'm sorry to hear you are having "scar troubles". it seems to be very common, so atleast you know you are in good company. there has been so much written in different threads about this. if you go to "search" above and punch in "scar", you will find so much that has been written about this subject. maybe get some ideas or advice.
hope this helps. be well, sylvia
Thanks all

Thanks all

I went to Drug Store and they suggested Vitamin E cream.Was surprised that it turned ugly on me....First 10 weeks nice and last week..UGLYCould be..more showers..more rubbing on clothes..and I really think Georgia heat..even tho I live in mountains. Thanks..Bonnie
Hi Bonnie,

I'm only seven weeks out of surgery myself, so I am also experimenting with this scar stuff. I don't know whether this will help the tenderness or not....

After I already bought a supply of Vitamin E oil, Cocoa Butter, etc, my dermatologist told me to avoid all that, as they tend to cause the area to break out. She recommended using a light moisturizer, such as one you'd use for your face, and gave me a sample of Cetaphil (off-the-shelf stuff, I found it at CVS). She said it's very important to keep your scar moisturized, something about cells not being able to travel as well when skin is dry, particularly when there's scar tissue there. She also recommended Curad's "Scar Therapy" - pads that you put on your scar for 24 hours at a time, for maybe eight weeks or so. They're supposed to "make scars appear softer, smoother, and flatter", and are "clinically proven to make scars appear less visible". I've been using them for a week or so now...!

By the way, someone (doc, nurse) in the hospital told me to keep it out of the sun for a while, as that will cause the scar to permanently darken.... YIKES!!

So, for what this is worth.... I hope you find a good solution for you!

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While its true that the vitamin E may cause the area to break out, it is extremely effective and the "pimples" do go away. A plastic surgeon suggested I use the vitamin E cream and it worked especially well.
Thanks again

Thanks again

I have been using the vitamin E cream for a few days..I still have some soreness "in the valley"....grin.....but the heat is still on here in Georgia..and I never let the sun hit the scar...Bonnie


I found some cream/ointment called "Medaderm" from a company in Germany. M scar is 3.5 months old and it appears to be helping. Saw it on TV, found it at Walgreens here.
The plastic surgeon who is doing my kenalog injections said vitamin e oil/cream and the silicone strips (Curad Scar therapy) are the best things to use early on. I tried that Mederam stuff and it did not do anything to my scar. It might work for some.

I had a keloid/hypertrohic scar so not much was going to touch it. It really needs the injections.
Hey guys, I know you probably don't want to hear this, but...for the first six weeks I didn't wear a bra. My mom brought out undershirts for me to wear. I think that helped, but for the longest time one of my wires kept bulging out. It didn't go through my skin, but it felt like it was just under it. Then one day, it just went away. Weird huh? I was glad they didn't have to take it out though, I hear that hurts. Other than that, I haven't really had too many problems.