I just returned home from the hospital with the sad news. Mom lost her battle with cancer this evening, after a month-long fight. She underwent a 6-hour surgery in mid-September, followed by a rough recovery -- 10 days in intensive care, another week in the surgical wing, then off to a rehab home to continue the fight. We brought her back to the hospital the Saturday before last, we thought just for a follow-up CAT scan. That weekend she went downhill so far, so fast, that even the doctors were stumped. We watched helplessly over the past 10 days as she slid steadily down until she became unresponsive yesterday night. Late this afternoon I received the phone call that things had taken a severe turn for the worse, so off I went. Turns out my wife also was on the way, we met in the parking lot. Once we got upstairs to see mom, it was evident that she was sinking fast. We spent her final hour assuring her that she need not fear her journey, as it was apparent that the time was near. At a few minutes before 6 PM, as I cradled her head in my hands and my wife held mom's hand, mom simply stopped breathing. She's finally at peace and suffering no more.
Be with God, mom -- you'll live in our hearts forever.
Be with God, mom -- you'll live in our hearts forever.