Sad news for my family.

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Dear Karlynn,

I am so sorry to hear this sad news. You are all in my prayers.
I am sorry to hear of your family's loss. My prayers and thoughts are with your family.

My heart and all goes out to all of you. I have no words to say that will make anything any better. Sorry.
Sorry to hear your news. My prayers and thoughts go out to you and your family. May God give you and your family the comfort and peace to go through this loss.
Dear Karlynn,
What a heartbreaking experience for your entire family! Know that you, your son and daugther-in-law and your precious granddaugther are in my thoughts and prayers! A bell rang today and a special, small angel received her pair of wings.
I am really sorry to hear this. I know how hard it will be for your son's family to get past this loss. My baby brother and his wife lost five before my niece Lisa was born.You will all be in our prayers.

Karlynn, so sorry to hear about this. My daughter also lost a baby in her second trimester. My prayers are with you and your family.
Thank you all so much. Your prayers and thoughtfulness are so appreciated.

My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. One time in high school, Derek said "Gee, I wonder if I would have had an older brother or an older sister." I told him that he wouldn't be here if that baby had survived because I still would have been pregnant at the time we conceived him. I gently reminded him of that last night.

They are doing okay, all things considered, and are able to understand that it most likely means the baby would have had insurmountable problems had it been born. But as we all know often times your heart doesn't move along as quickly as your head. They do have the blessing of my little Punkin' to remind them that life moves on for a 2 year old and today is like any other day for her, full of joy and adventure.
Karlynn, I'm so sorry and my prayers and thoughts go out to all of you. This happened to me more than once, and it is a terrible loss and blow... but I was fortunate to be blessed with my two beautiful daughters after the losses. I suppose it's true that it's "for the best" as the baby would have had complications like you said, but can be hard to accept at the same time.
I am sorry to hear this sad news. All the best to you & your family in this hour of need. God Bless

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