Sad and scared!

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Stop..take a deep breath... try to relax... I know, easier said than done. But I don' t think it is possible to be more scared than I was. If you go back and reread my first posts, you will see what I mean. If it had not been for the people here, I probably would have gone literally crazy.. .I was so scared that I was scared of being so scared. I felt that I was losing it.

I went to see my Primary Care Physician for a yearly check-up in November of last year and witihin 4 hours I was told that I was heading for open heart surgery...never had any problem with my heart. When I went back to talk to my cardiologist after all the tests, I remember him telling me, " You willl be is not that horrible". And he was right , it was not that horrible. As a matter of fact, even with my complications, it was a lot easier that I thought it would be. I am now 6 months post-op and doing just great. I teach first grade and was able to go back to work at the beginning of April.

I'll tell you... I would do this whole surgery all over again rather than go through what is going on with my husband right now. He just had a lung biopsy ...they think it is cancer ..whatever it is has already spread to his abdomen. We are sitting here waiting for the biopsy results...hoping and praying for a miracle.

I will keep you in my prayers. Anytime you feel like venting, or telling someone how scared you are, come back here and post again. There will always be someone here to listen and respond. No matter how many times you post, someone will listen, day or night.

In the meantime, get ready to come home after surgery. Make sur eyou have a comfortable chir to sit in, someone to help , etc.. One thing that no one mentione d but it helped me relax so I could sleep before surgery is my Guided Imagery CD.

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