Rules for Cat behavior

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Hensleyee how funny:D. The computer I use most of the time is a laptop. He he. I have a new laptop now;). She has been given full reign of the house today. Can't find her. :( Bet she figures if I hide from mommy she won't put me back in that room at night ;). I just hope she does not plan to hide for very long! Georgia you were correct. She figures I am getting ready to leave. Little does she know.....not for a few hours.
Hi everybody,

I just loved the Cat Rules and all the responses to them. I showed them to one of my daughter-in-laws yesterday and she really laughed too. I had run off a copy from my PC and let my husband read them. He had tears from laughing so hard.

You see, we have a black and white "tuxedo cat" who has learned his lessons very well.

Shadow also doesn't like to eat alone so when he's hungry he comes and finds me and I walk with him to his dish. I sit and pet him while he starts eating and then I may leave again.

He also loves to be groomed. He jumps up on his grooming table and lays down and waits for me to get his brushes. He rolls over and finally lays on his back. He likes to be groomed often. His favorite time is about 3 in the morning. He knows where to find me, (asleep in bed). He tricks me into thinking that I'll only have to pet him a minute or two but as soon as we get into the laundry room he jumps onto the grooming table instead of stopping by his dish. I always tell him that "this is the last time"
but he just kind of looks at me knowingly. I am sooooo trained.---------------Betty
Your a good mommy Betty. 3am is not my best hour of the day.;) Though, as I am getting older insomnia is setting in, LOL. We have been playing with our little girl so much she's begging for her bed at 9:00PM:). Having a 7 year old to help is a plus too. On our third night and have thus far beat they nocturnal-Ness:eek:
Thought this would be a good place to update on my baby Abby. We were at the vet today. Her eye was glued shut when she woke up.

Vet said upper respiratory infection. Poor thing. I was so upset that I made a call to the breeder. She denied any of her other cats in the cattery being sick. Yeak, ok. They just returned from a show a week ago. Our kitty has not been exposed to anyone other than us since she came home. Good news is now that she's on the antibiotics she feeling much better:). She's a real sweetheart. We can tell she's going to grow into a loving, beautiful cat.

From an infection standpoint to humans. The vet said the bite of a cat is far worse than a scratch. I told her about my VR and she said if the cat ever breaks my skin with her teeth to call my doctor ASAP. She has had her completely healthy "human" clients in the hospital for IV infection control after a bite. Just thought I would share that with you all. Especially since Ross has so many little ones.
Gina I've had lots of cats and can never think of one that bit me hard enough to break the skin. Clawing is a whole different story. Momma nutcase has made me look like I walked into a briar patch from her little deadly claws.

The respiratory infection-It happens, though not very often. Don't be to hard on the breeder. It may not have anything to do with her/him. If the cat continues to develop illnesses, then I would wonder. I think you just had one of those circumstances where it just got sick for no apparent reason.

Enjoy! Kitty's are a blast.


Love the post on Rules for Cats...:) Lorraine..I have a K.C., too. She will be age 11 this summer....Ann, for gosh sakes, take your brother's cat a pair of your old shoes..:D :D Gina, maybe you should do like we did..when our daughter brought home Kallie at 2 months.(Father's Day Gift). He is a Papillon.. rare little dogs with big butterfly ears..Mostly show dogs. The breeder gave my daughter a list of things we should do..(Goat's milk..:eek: :eek: ect.)I threw the papers in the trash and said..Kallie will be what he is..a dog.:D :D He has been to 30 states in 3 years..Healthy as can be:p :p :p Now..on cats. My Rufus. same age as Ross's into everything. Do NOT leave a drawer open for long. Rufus jumped into one of mine last week and went in behind the drawer..(Drawer does not come out) Came out on his own..Kitten's are afraid of noise. Will run and hide..and recliner's are deadly if out and decide to close it..:eek: They love to hide there.:mad: And what your Vet told you about cat bites..Rufus bit me a lot when he was little (Love bites) and I am still here to tell about it..:D :D Bonnie

In all the years I've had cats, I've found that just like toddlers, they get a certain number of childhood illnesses until their immune system can handle things better. Just building up antibodies, I guess.

They can also get diarrhea from time to time. And throwing up is something cats do with great abandonment
Bonnie's so right about the recliner. I got a little kitten once that way. dead'rn a doornail.

As to recent vet visit. When Penelope found me at the pound, we got home, isolated her from the other 2 cats, and in a day she was sneezing. I took her to vet and he gave her antibiotics, etc. My daughter's 2 cats that lived here caught it and didn't fare as well. One of them ended up at the vet for medicine, the other one was hospitalized at the vet for several days. It was an upper respiratory infection that Penelope brought home. Highly contagious from cat to cat and I bet dollars to donuts your cat picked something up from another cat, Gina. But your vet should be able to take care of it. Then when you go to the vet, be sure your kitty is well caged and doesn't get on anything except the clean table in exam room.


Whoever wrote that, knows cats quite well, my family and I have had cat since I was a baby, we have 2 right now.

Everything they stated is so true

Thanks for sharing,

Why do your daughter and the kitten look like they have the same orneriness content? :D Of course, mom looks ornery too!

Great pic Gina. Looks like a loving little family there.
They always say. "Great minds think alike":D Poor daddy is out numbered.:eek: Too much estrogen in our house.;) Were having so much fun with her. Abby's mother is a beautiful cat. We are looking forward to watching her grow. I don't know why we did not decide on a kitty sooner. We plan to add another at some point. She's a good girl.

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