Are you all sure that antibiotics are necessary before a routine dental cleaning? Dental cleanings are non invasive and very similar to normal daily dental hygiene. The heart org endocarditis card that I received does not specify that antibiotics are required for cleanings.
I guess if one bleeds alot during normal flossing, then yes. My Cardiologist, PCP, and dentist all said not necessary for cleanings. Did anyone find this requirement documented in literature? Thanks.
Good question.
The current 2021 guidelines recommend antibiotics as a prophylactic prior to dental procedures for the groups listed in Table 3 of the 2021 statement from the AHA linked below:
Prevention of Viridans Group Streptococcal Infective Endocarditis A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association
Please see Table 3- you will note the inclusion of:
"Presence of cardiac prosthetic valve"
I had my operation at UCLA and they consider a dental cleaning a dental procedure, and, as such, recommend 2,000mg of amoxicillin prior to a dental cleaning or any other dental procedure.
However, you will find in the conclusion of the publication the following:
"We cannot exclude the possibility that there may be an exceedingly small number of cases of VGS IE that could be prevented by AP for a dental procedure. However, if prophylaxis is effective, we believe that such therapy should be suggested only for those with the highest risk of adverse outcome from VGS IE, although we acknowledge that the effectiveness of such prophylaxis is unproven"
So, antibiotics are not yet proven to help prevent endocarditis during a dental procedure, but they are still recommended. Personally, given that I tolerate amoxicillin very well and the very low risk of side effects from one dose, I plan to always go with the recommendation during any dental cleaning or other procedure, as is the practice of Dr. Shemin's office at UCLA and also my dentist.