If nobody is better at moderating a forum, why was Ross eliminated as a moderator?
When is the last time you heard a CEO or "the boss" have to explain to all members of the firm why a person left the firm or didn't get a work contract renewed? I think it's routinely called insubordination... but with a good recommendation at a new place of work.
I think any speculation about the whys of what happened are just that, speculation. None of us knows what transpired, and for all we know, it was a mutual parting of the ways. Maybe neither person is in the wrong, just that they had their own private differences. To say anything else is really not fair because neither of them is going to disclose the situation.
Simply, it is none of our business what happened.
It makes us sad, maybe makes some of us happy, I don't know. Such is life.
Great comment - Thanks.
That is the great thing about the internet - We can visit the sites we choose to find the information that suits our needs. In my view, not only is there is absolutely NO problem with visiting both sites, I highly reccommend it!.
I have to admit that I felt a little funny about visiting the other site until I read your last post. Your comment convinced me that there was no reason to be hesitant about reading their forum content and possibly learning something new about valve replacement.
However, imagine my surprise when I received the following message while visiting today.
Sorry. The administrator has banned your IP address. To contact the administrator click here
I've had another VR member state that they also received a similar message.
Perhaps it's a technical glitch, and HVP is not intentionally restricting access. However, if it's not, then I would urge those who belong to both sites to ask why this is taking place.
No, Freddie.
I was not trying to log in as a member. As soon as the webpage opens, that's the message I receive. Remember, I have been on it before, and today I was actually reading when I suddenly was removed from the forum.