Ross you are the MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wow! I missed so much by not being around. Strange that I have just posted a thread about my confusion and inability to focus, yet, I was able to focus on this thread!!

So sorry to see Ross leaving. Will definitely miss him and miss his help. And thanks to Hank for all the work you have and still putting into this heavenly sent site:)

Everything changes, evolves ... There is no doubt that Ross has been a great value to VR and his work and efforts over the years are appreciated ... As we seem to be moving into a new era in I think we all need to embrace the change and support Hank in anyway that we can ... life goes on and so will ... peace out:cool2:

as usual, Mr. Chimp...Well said.

................ Hank, I thank you for having this site. It is truly a blessing to those who are at one of the scariest points in their lives.

Yes, Indeed, Hank. Thanks for this heaven-sent site and for all your efforts.

I'm thinking that many weren't posting because they either:
didn't know what to say, or didn't comprehend what was going on.
My heartfelt thanks to Hank and Ross and all of the VR members who share their stories and knowledge. :)

I am one of them, Bina. And I join you in extending my heartfelt thanks to Hank and Ross and of the VR members who share their stories and knowledge.

Am I the only member who didn't receive "the email" and doesn't have a clue as to what is going on?
I did not get it either, but will check my junk mail if it was sent to there by mistake

Well, competition and choice can be good things. So good luck to those who have branched out, but as for me, will always be my home -- sort of like Planet Krypton, you know. :D

I feel the same way!

I guess this is one of those things that takes a bit to process, mentally/emotionally (whichever) and then you're able to go on. From what I've read neither Hank or Ross are angry, resentful, bitter or even mad. So, let's all be happy that there's more available for heart valvers and support both of our friends.

Very wise, Wise!
I guess this is one of those things that takes a bit to process, mentally/emotionally (whichever) and then you're able to go on. From what I've read neither Hank or Ross are angry, resentful, bitter or even mad. So, let's all be happy that there's more available for heart valvers and support both of our friends.

From what I can tell both Ross and Hank are taking the "high road" and remaining civil and respectful. That just reaffirms the respect I have for both of them.

Unfortunately there are others who seem to have a lot of pent-up anger over issues either real or imagined and are looking for the opportunity for a vendetta. My worst fear is that things will get out of control both sites will suffer.

In particular, I fear that any continuing bickering will end up driving potential new members away from both sites.

From what I can tell both Ross and Hank are taking the "high road" and remaining civil and respectful. That just reaffirms the respect I have for both of them.

Unfortunately there are others who seem to have a lot of pent-up anger over issues either real or imagined and are looking for the opportunity for a vendetta. My worst fear is that things will get out of control both sites will suffer.

In particular, I fear that any continuing bickering will end up driving potential new members away from both sites.


Mark, That is very well said. I am personally heartbroken by this schism, and last night I joined another medical forum that includes not only heart but other medical issues that affect me. I also am going to begin volunteering at the hospital for Mended Hearts. I probably will be spending a lot more time with them than with either of the divided valve forums going forward. But I hope can survive as a place for people to come to when they are facing surgery.
As an original "mailserv" member back in 99...;-). Over the years, have witnessed many changes set forth. Both positive and negative. Formats changing. Members coming and going, etc, etc. Just wanted to add that without this would have never been the same.

Hank, thank you for your 'brain child'. You really hit the nail on the head! Ross "DA MAN". Thank you for many years of moderation! You have kept the ship from sinking many of time! Wish you both the best of luck in the future!
When I found this site 1 year ago I was scared and confused.Soon I was empowered and embraced by many of you.There are many knowledgable people here that can answer any question that is posed.That would never have happened if Hank had not started this forum -period.I very soon saw this site as a big team effort to help anyone without charge overcome one of lifes biggest hurdles.Every team loses players. But, the team goes on and in most cases evolves to get even better.I think change is good.After surviving heart surgery I think we all should do what makes us happy.We all evolve and take different paths when we see an opportunity.Maybe there needs to be alot more sites like this that would allow everybody that needs this special help feel like they are in the right place at the right time.Thanks to all of you that helped me!
Clearly I've missed all this. Why the need to reduce the number of admins/moderators to one ?

For me Ross is/was the public face of this forum. Hank on the other hand has a rather lower profile for me. Appreciate thats it's Hank's baby, but there are God knows how many other vBulletin sites that work just fine with multiple admins. I see no logic in reducing Ross's role to such a point where an extremely valuable resource walks away.

Clearly I've missed all this. Why the need to reduce the number of admins/moderators to one ?

For me Ross is/was the public face of this forum. Hank on the other hand has a rather lower profile for me. Appreciate thats it's Hank's baby, but there are God knows how many other vBulletin sites that work just fine with multiple admins. I see no logic in reducing Ross's role to such a point where an extremely valuable resource walks away.


I don't know any details, but apparently Ross was intending to leave shortly anyway said that he and Hank had discussed it. Maybe the timing wasn't what was expected, but I applaud both Ross and Hank for not airing any dirty laundry in public.

From what I gather Hank wants to accomplish some changes to the site that can be more easily accomplished by having only one moderator; it sounds like more of a technical issue to me rather than anything else. At the end of the day Hank owns the site and it's his call - we're all just his guests.

As far as moderators, I have an opinion that I've expressed to Ross and Hank in the past: I think that moderators are more effective if they are not actively participating in the discussions. It puts the moderator in a very difficult situation. It's somewhat analogous to why you have umpires and referees in sports - so that you have objective, non-biased enforcement of the rules.

As much as I respect Ross, there were times when I felt he lost his objectivity as a moderator by getting embroiled in an issue and I told him so directly on at least one occasion. Those were occasions when Hank would quietly step in and calm things down.

I'm very much saddened by the events of the last 24 hours. I'm sorry to say that I've lost a lot of respect for certain individuals.

If there were individuals who really weren't happy here then I am glad they have an alternative choice that better fits their objectives.

What I am still struggling to understand is why some people apparently continue to openly bear anger and animosity in this direction. It's not a healthy thing. I hope for their own good that they can get over it and be happy in their new home. Live and let live.

As the saying goes, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". We'll all get through this and I hope at some point both sites can co-exist in a mutually-supportive manner. There are great folks on both sides.

[. I am personally heartbroken by this schism,] ....Superbob, it will break our hearts to see you go also!!!!!!!!!! I've always enjoyed your contributions to this site.
No one should leave over this. It's between Ross and Hank and it should stay that way. And the other site is a very nice site. Join both and enjoy them both for the personalities of both. There is nothing wrong with a slightly different point of view. It serves to give a more balanced view of things.

Just like here, there will be personalities you like and ones you don't. That's the way life is.

Take the best of both worlds and learn what there is to learn from each.

Those facing the choice of valves should definitely belong to both.

Both sites want to help those that need it.
Where does it say that anyone is leaving?

Where does it say that anyone is leaving?

I agree with Nancy 100%, but that is not news to many of you. I usually agree with Nancy...and am glad of it. I just plain do not see a problem here.

Several years ago I wanted to stop smoking. I joined many boards for help and assistance. The one that helped me the most had mostly women members. We faced many of the same concerns and I can say that, for me, they were the most helpful. It was a board for people with breast cancer who needed to stop smokling. The participants didn't seem to mind that I didn't have cancer.

I probably visited upward of 12-15 boards that dealt with smoking. I found many important things in each of those boards...and made cyber friends in a few. I even had a real time visit with one of the members of a quit smoking board when she and her family passed through my area.

Why can't we join both groups? If the new group is not to my liking, I will withdraw....and try hard to SUFFER IN SILENCE...for the sake of those who find merit in that site.


PS Who said that Ross was leaving. I missed that one.
Thanks Kathy. To me - It really comes down to this being an internet address that should never have the ability to cause anyone to fret. While it is a wonderful tool, it is not an important thing in life. The things that are really important to me are family, faith, friends and health. If we can use this medium to strengthen those things, then so be it, but if this medium endangers those things, then we need to alter our priorities.

But - This particular thread is about Ross being THE MAN!!! And he is indeed THE MAN!!! There is nobody better at moderating a forum...

Hank, it sounds like you want to have it both ways, a nice ideal, but something that never works in the real world; actions speak louder than words, and your recent action contradicts your words. If nobody is better at moderating a forum, why was Ross eliminated as a moderator?

It's a rhetorical question; I don't expect an answer, but you can't just make nice-nice and smooth everything over and pretend that all is well and happy when obviously you felt the need to eliminate him and then come back and say nobody does it better.
Hank, it sounds like you want to have it both ways, a nice ideal, but something that never works in the real world; actions speak louder than words, and your recent action contradicts your words. If nobody is better at moderating a forum, why was Ross eliminated as a moderator?

It's a rhetorical question; I don't expect an answer, but you can't just make nice-nice and smooth everything over and pretend that all is well and happy when obviously you felt the need to eliminate him and then come back and say nobody does it better.
Many of us appreciate that Hank is the founder of this site.

I took Hank at his word in his email. He is doing his best to treat others in the way he would want to be treated.
This thread reminds me of a high school biology class. This old frog has been dissected to bits..!:eek2:

Wonder if we could move on to bigger and better things other than torturing that old frog anymore..:angel:

Wonder if Robthatsme - facing another big surgery is concerned about this thread?
Wonder if Laurie (Agility gal) who is currently in ICU is concerned about this thread?
Wonder if Pat who recently had surgery is concerned about this thread?
Wonder if Michelle who recently had surgery is concerned about this thread?

I wonder..
You are right Janie. Let's close the chapter and move on. I meant no harm creating this thread. I am SORRY.........
This turn of events saddens me terribly. This site is a godsend for, not only the patient, but also his/her immediate family. The latter often have to bear the brunt of the VR procedure, the patient is knocked out cold but the immediate family sit with the unknown and anxiety. My 13 year old (at the time) adopted daughter, Tuschani, her mother tells me, was worried sick about losing another father figure, and on her own, turned to VR to share her fears and joys.

The link to my post surgery thread below tells the story of how a group of concerned and empathetic members, starting with Lyn and Ross and Janie and all the others, embraced a bewildered and frightened little girl when she needed all the reassurance she could get.

I recall her exited ramblings during visiting hours about how ..... and then she would rattle off the members' names (Janie she particularly thought ShezaGirlie was very cool! Could mentioning that she is model material have anything to do with it??:))..... said that eveything would be OK.

Thank you Hank for starting the site and trying your level best to make it work. I visited the other site but frankly would not like Tuschani to turn there for solace. It probably has a different purpose, so be it.

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I didn’t know who Hank was until recently, but do very much appreciate him starting this wonderful site (and am sad to see the Golden, CO reunion cancelled – was really looking forward to that – but next year for sure!). This site has been a Godsend for me (like many, many others). And I haven’t been shy about sharing that fact with new members that have come along after me.

I think most of us that have been around here a while know Ross can be "direct" at times, telling it like it is, at least his opinion of like it is. And like everyone, he has his own opinions. Some appreciate that, others don't. I happen to be one that appreciates it (very much). Even when I’ve disagreed with him, it’s still valuable (in my opinion) to hear replies from both sides of any argument.

Bottom line is, I agree with those that have said it will be a big loss not having him around here. Huge actually. He has had a very profound affect on many lives, including mine. It saddens me greatly that this has happened (whatever “this” is). Can someone post the url of the other site everyone’s talking about? I’d like to check it out – but do not intend to get involved in any squabbles between the two sites.

I understand what some are saying - change happens, we have to move on etc. But this man poured his heart and soul into this site for many years. And at least since I’ve been around (only since March) he has been a HUGE part of making it what it is today. So if there's anything that can be done to mend fences and bring him back, I for one say - PLEASE DO SO!!! But if bridges are burnt, I understand, and will just have to visit the other site when I want to get Ross’s point of view on topics. I guess that’ll work to some degree, but what I (and others) will miss is his proactive replies, where I/we wouldn’t necessarily think to go ask him on the other site…
Andy- Did you get a second email from Hank ? It should be in his email the url site.

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