Ross you are the MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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After reading the email I received from this site, not sure exactly what is up, but know this place would/will suffer without Ross' input.

I just read the email. Certainly, as Hank said, Ross is "The Man." Ross, I hope this doesn't mean that we won't "see" you here. That would be strange at the least and a big big big loss for a lot of people.
Everything changes, evolves ... There is no doubt that Ross has been a great value to VR and his work and efforts over the years are appreciated ... As we seem to be moving into a new era in I think we all need to embrace the change and support Hank in anyway that we can ... life goes on and so will ... peace out:cool2:
Everything changes, evolves ... There is no doubt that Ross has been a great value to VR and his work and efforts over the years are appreciated ... As we seem to be moving into a new era in I think we all need to embrace the change and support Hank in anyway that we can ... life goes on and so will ... peace out:cool2:

Well said!

Obviously some of you haven't been to the other heart valve replacement web site and seen the trashing that is going on of Hank and Of course, RCB is one of the members over there along with Ross and several other older members who seem to have a huge problem with Hank. All I can say is that sometimes change is a good thing. Hank, I thank you for having this site. It is truly a blessing to those who are at one of the scariest points in their lives.
Well, I for one am not getting in involved in a bash Ross party. Whatever differences there are between Hank and Ross, it isn't our place to drag that relationship through the mud here, is it?
and I will fourth it.

(Hey, RCB)

Ross really is da man. look how many years he has taken care of us - since that early morning long ago when we went in with our morning coffee to talk to our heart friends, only to find some of the worst porn language you can read. That's when Ross became our VR protector. Thanks, my dear Ross.
I'm still a relative newbie here. I don't know anything about the other VR site or anything about the history of this one. I don't know Hank. But I do know that Ross has been so helpful and supportive to me when I desperately needed encouragement. I know this site has helped huge numbers of people and hope it will continue to. This site is desperately needed. So thanks again, Ross, for everything you have done and continue to do for us.
I am not going to post the story I heard because I feel it is not my place to do so.
With that said I want everyone to know what a great friend Ross has been to me. He has helped me with a lot of issues and I always will stay in contact with him.
However in my personal opinion due to what happened here, don't ever expect to see Ross on this site ever again.
It is already a big loss for many,
hhmmmm....I too am new and not really sure how this site works or runs but I am very sad to hear I will not be seeing Ross here anymore. He was very helpful to me when I was scared to death before surgery. I can only hope that whatever the issue is, it will be resolved. Robin
Rich;However in my personal opinion due to what happened here said:
It's hard to see Ross pack his bag and leave us after 9 YEARS. I hope he will stick around.
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If there are "differences" between Ross and I, then they are perceived by Ross. Reducing the control of this forum down to just myself has absolutely nothing to do with Ross and his abilities and/or contributions to this site. If Ross decides to not return here - I will feel the loss of his participation more than any of you. The decision to reduce the number of people who have administrative control of this forum down to one person was made after much thought. I will always be the first to defend Ross and his abilities and contributions here.

But I ask you - what kind of Forum Owner has no clue what really goes into running and operating a forum? The only way for me to be able to know the depth of administration, and to make the changes that this forum needs to survive is to take the course of action that I have taken.
Thanks for the update Hank. I really enjoy being a member here. Keep up the good work.
All I can say is this, regardless of what may have brought this on, it is time to get back to what we are here for, and that is to help people facing this ordeal of valve replacement surgery.
A number of our older members understand the value of a site like this, because when we were faced with this, nothing like this site existed.
So let's get back to it and put this behind us.

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