Ross' Rewards

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Hmmmmmm. I see that two of's most stalwart members are approaching milestones in their posts --- geebee is getting close to 4,000 and Karlynn to 5,000.

Surely Ross is preparing fitting rewards for these ladies. :D :D :D
I have not doubt he is. That's why I might stay at 3999 for a looonnnnggggg time.;) :D ;)
I've already filed a complaint with the VR Legal Department charging that my post number has been inflated by someone, unnamed, in order to "reward" me for an undeserved post milestone. I'm pretty sure I'm just around 250 to 300.:cool:

And what is Ross paying you Bob????
Karlynn said:
I've already filed a complaint with the VR Legal Department charging that my post number has been inflated by someone, unnamed, in order to "reward" me for an undeserved post milestone. I'm pretty sure I'm just around 250 to 300.:cool:

And what is Ross paying you Bob????

Actually, I think he's probably miffed because I called attention in advance to the awesome numbers rung up by you and geebee -- before he could spring the "rewards" on you unsuspecting two. You should be grateful to me. Meanwhile, if "robhol" disappears down a memory hole..... :D

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