Don't get too complacent
Don't get too complacent
Regarding our children leaving and getting the house back to ourselves, please don't assume too much! I have children ranging in age from 29-18 (five of them, to be exact), and about the time the house starts to empty, they show up again.
I can't explain how it happens, but it does. Kids return from the Marine Corps (thank God for that), kids return home from college, kids get in spats with their spouses and turn up late night on front room couches, kids' spouses go out of town on business trips so they want to stay at Mom and Dad's house, etc. etc. The reasons are endless. I've learned to lock all doors when I shower to prevent being surprised when I walk out.
The sudden arrival of previously independent children seems to be one of those jokes life pulls on us. Children who cringed and complained about sharing my company, now ruthlessly seek me out wherever I try to hide. My advice is to remember the strategies you used years ago, dust them off, and keep them ready. You never know when your darlings will return.