Ross and 12,005 posts!

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I don't know how you managed to sneak #12,000 past us, but you have.:confused: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Congratulations, young man!:)

I'll be back with suitable graphics later!:D :D :p :p


Mary said:
I don't know how you managed to sneak #12,000 past us, but you have.:confused: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Congratulations, young man!:)

I'll be back with suitable graphics later!:D :D :p :p

Ross's posts hardly sneak by :D

just kidding - thanks for all of the helpful comments and info!!!
12005 posts that we couldn't do without- Congratulations, Ross- so happy that you are back at the keyboard posting away!:D
12,000 post count prize is still trying to be scheduled. They told me to call back today and I did. Again, no one there to make appointments. :(

Thank all of you. There has been a lot of laughter, tears, frustration, joy and the whole gambit in 5 years and 12000 posts. :)
Congrats..Ross:) :) :) 3 smilies...:D :D 2 big grins..(remembering my 10 quota.smilies.:p ...Mary..not to shabby for you either..4,134 in just over 2 years.:) ..another 602 posts and you will catch me.:mad: :p Bonnie
Granbonny said:
Congrats..Ross:) :) ) 3 smilies...:D :D 2 big grins..(remembering my 10 quota.smilies.:p ...Mary..not to shabby for you either..4,134 in just over 2 years.:) ..another 602 posts and you will catch me.:mad: :p Bonnie

Hey girlfriend,
Better keep those fingers a tap, tap, tapping away at the keyboard! Gee, if I hadn't deleted threads and posts last year, I bet I'd be down only 300! :eek: By the way, have you seen Gadget's avatar?? I'm smacking him the next time we get together!:p
Ross - it's okay if you give yourself a different 12000 post gift. Besides, isn't someone from here supposed to do the honors??? We could do a bidding war and raise lots of money for VR if we offered the "administration" of your 12000post gift to the highest bidder.:D
Karlynn said:
Ross - it's okay if you give yourself a different 12000 post gift. Besides, isn't someone from here supposed to do the honors??? We could do a bidding war and raise lots of money for VR if we offered the "administration" of your 12000post gift to the highest bidder.:D

I will personally pledge $50 and nominate Gadgetman to put the silicone glove on and attempt to 'administer" the "honors" to our honoree!:D :D :D :D :D
NOW I know, Ross,

NOW I know, Ross,

why you don't get any sleep! You are too busy helping all of us. Now that you have hit 12,000 plus posts, it is time to slow down! :)

Congrats and thanks for all you do. We love you!

Christina L
So your digital diarrhea has finally come to 12,000 posts. Just can't shut the man up or keep him down. Intervention hasn't helped...

Ross, your words here have been heeded by many, and have helped untold people whom you've never met or traded posts with.

Congratulations on a landmark, Ross.

Very best wishes,


tobagotwo said:
Ross, your words here have been heeded by many, and have helped untold people whom you've never met or traded posts with.

Congratulations on a landmark, Ross.

Very best wishes,

You've even managed to piss off a few.............:D

Those have been the most fun! :D

We love ya! Here's to 12,000 more! Hugs. Janet and Katie (original Ross fan club members)
I can't even imagine the place without you, Ross! (Well...okay, think rampant bots...) You are a fantastic caretaker, bouncer and contributor. Thanks.