Roll Call!

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To Ann

To Ann

I graciously accept, AND will provide scones and croissants as well. Anybody make homemade jam?
Sounds good.

I'll bring paper cups, plates,utensils, and recent magazines.

It looks like we'll be in good shape.

Lets see, we have: Steve
Betty (me)

Steve, I hope you don't mind alot of female company!
Hey Fdeg, I actually just recently found out that it's Gloria Vanderbilt. I had no idea. Who'd a thunk?

I think we may need some board games in the waiting room as well.
You Win

You Win

Uh oh, now I guess I have to be your personal wait-person. Seeing as you had such a successful valvuloplasty you will most likely will be in the waiting room for a long, long, long time...........
Another Male

Another Male

The last time I looked at Ram's avator..Me thinks he's a man:p :p :p Bonnie
So far it looks like many ladies and only two men. . . hmmm. . . wonder what my wife will think when she hears I'm hanging around with all those women.

Bunny - If you can get the tea supply worked out, I'll grind the coffee every morning. I do that in our kitchen, so grinding a bit more wouldn't be a bother. Can we start out with some Kona? Kind of brings back memories of last summer's trip to Maui.

As to the small population here, I would bet that there are others who are waiting, but they don't check in as often as we do. Let's keep the thread alive for a while and see how many more sign in. We WILL have to hook up at this fall's reunion here in Chicago, won't we?

You are correct Bonnie. In this day and age one is never sure, but I checked and sure enough, I'm still male:D
Hi Steve... I'm no longer in the waiting room, but I do volunteer work there quite often lol!!!

Good luck,

P.S. Can I fetch anyone a cool drink or a pillow? :D
Waiting Room

Waiting Room

Dear Zazzy and Ann,
We would be so honored to have you both as ambassadors in the waiting room. Ann, I happily challenge you to a poker game!Bunny I'm sure you'll join us!
Gee girls.... if we play strip poker we can compare scars ROFLMAO :D Then again.. we'd probably scare all the newbies!!! hee hee hee

I've played poker for a long time... actually got in trouble in the first grade for bringing poker cards and chips in my lunchbox.... tried to get a game going at recess. My parents threatened to buy me a green eyeshade! lol

A little glimpse into my sordid past! ha ha ha

Take care,
Ante up, y'all. Get out the chips and dip and the poker chips. I'll show you mine if you show me yours. - scars, that is.

My dear Joe took me someplace once upon a time and there was a poker game going on. I joined in, told them I hadn't played since I was 12 and didn't remember how. Well, the brain remembered and I won the whole pot - all $3.55 of it. Do you think that was cheating?

Zazzy, maybe the kids'd be better off if they brought poker decks to school these days instead of the other stuff they bring!

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