Robthatsme Mom Out of Surgery

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2001
Hi EVeryone,

Mom made it through the surgery fine! She had her aorta replaced, the tricuspid repaired, and not sure if the mitral was repaired at this time. I need to talk with the surgeron tomorrow.
Mom was in the ICU, and we spend the afternoon and evening there. she did not come out of it until towards the end of our stay. She could recognize us calling her name, and squeeze our hands. The life support was still in her mouth, but should be taken out sometime tonight. Hopefully tomorrow we should see the begining of some great improvements.

It's been a very long day for me, and I am so ready for bed, glad I was able to update everyone though. All your thoughts and prayers really helped! The family thanks you very much for your support and help.

Wishing you all the best and good health,

Rob ( saying good nite) :)
Great news, Rob. Our prayers and best wishes for a good day today and an uneventful recovery. Hope you and yours got some much needed sleep last night.
you posted 7 hrs ago - that was near midnight my time that you were getting ready to retire for the night. You had a really long day. It's wonderful to hear that your mother has made the journey and you were able to help her get over that mountain - you knew the way. We will continue to stand by to be with you all and send you blessings and prayers.

Called the hospital this morning. Her vitals are fine, but they still cannot remove the breathing tube, as she is still to medicated to breathe effectively on her own. My sister is in the ICU with her now, and we are getting ready to go there as well. It sounds like she will be in the ICU for at least today befroe being moved to the step-down room.

I'll try and post an update this evening when I return.

Thanks again... All your thoughts and prayers I am sure have helped her get through these last few days!

I am so glad your mom made it to the other side just fine. That was one steep mountain to climb. I am wishing her a smooth recovery and all the best for your family.
When my husband was in the hospital there was a 84 lady with mitral valve replacement - recovery took a bit longer (taking out chest tubes etc.) but she did well in the end.
Your mom will be in my thoughts.
Great news, Rob. Praying that your mom is off the tube real soon and on to a smooth recovery.

Mom is doing well. They removed the breathing tubes yesterday morning, and some other tubes as well. By mid afternoon they had her sitting in a chair! I knew yesterday was going to be a busy day for her as they do push you to get up. Earlier that day they told me that their 2 main concerns were that she be taken off the breathing tube and also that her BP was stable, but also had some sudden drops. Both seem to have been resolved.

I think I may have mentioned in some earlier posts that her back also has some issues with 4 or 5 degenerated discs in her lower back, so movement is rather painful. The pain managment medication is helping, but even so, she still mentions the back pain on occation.

All and all, it looks like she is well on her way to recovery! I think they will keep her in ICU for another day or 2, which is completely fine with me, as they have round the clock care, with a one-to-one nurse patient relationship.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers! I'll give a few more updates until she is moved from ICU.

It sounds like she is making great progress, Rob. Best wishes and prayers that she continues on this path and we look forward to your next update.
THANKs, Rob. Sounds like she is moving onward and upward. Let her know we are all concerned and caring for her. Also tell her we are proud of her courage in going through this. It isn't for the faint of heart. Blessins..........
I'm glad things are going so well. Sorry about her back on top of that, maybe in a day or so depending how she is doing, some hospitals have massuse, can't figure out proper spelling so people that give massages, maybe someon from phys therapy, that may help, I have the lower back problems so can imagine how tight/sore everything can be after heart surgery and not moving around,
looking forward to more great news, Lyn

Yesterday, mom sat in her chair for 4 hours and even ate lunch on her own. Great progess! The surgeon came in and told us everything went fine and that she is right on target as far as recovery!

Today I think they will try to get her to walk a few steps. If the ICU is not too busy, and they do not require her bed for someone else, then she will stay there until Monday morning. That's a good thing, as the care they give you on an individual basis is fantastic in ICU, as many of you know. She will then be moved to a step-down room.

So, all an and, things are going great for my mom. The first two sentences she spoke yesterday were:

1. I want to go home.
2. I'll never do this again!

She is very motivated to get out of the hospital, and that will surely help her recovery.

Thanks again everyone, I have to begin to get ready to go back in to see her. These are long days, and I am feeling a bit run out of gas myself lately.

Good health to all!

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