RobNDenver's AVR and bypass on Thurs.

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Hope the cold is gone Rob, you have had a relaxing weekend and are ready to have the surgery on Thursday. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you and we look forward to hearing all good news from Sharon. Godspeed!
Rob ~ My best wishes and prayers are with you on Thursday as you undergo surgery. I hope it's successful and that you have an easy recovery. I hope you're feeling much better. Have a nice Labor Day! Take care, Dawn-Marie
Best wishes for a successful surgery and an uncomplicated recovery. I hope you've kicked that cold and you're feeling 100% heading into Thursday's replacement and bypass.
We'll wait for Sharon's report.
God Bless and Godspeed!
All the best,soon you'll be out and about in no time,
feeling brand spanking new.....Prayers

zipper2 (DEB)
Thanks everyone. I have the presurgery tests scheduled for tomorrow morning and am getting myself ready as I can be for this. I have noticed that I have gotten a little more nervous since I had so much time to think about things, but I will be fine, I'm sure. . . I will have Sharon post as soon as she has time to do that.

We'll be thinking of you on Thursday, I hope everything goes smoothly and you have a comfortable recovery.
Hey Rob, good luck tomorrow - will be thinking about you and wishing you a most boring and uneventful surgery and recovery.

I'm OK

I'm OK

Got through the surgery, seem to be progressing as well as I can hope. . .

Will post more soon

9/4/2008 St. Jude 23mm AVR
2 Bypasses

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