Reunion Attendance

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This letter goes out to all of those folks who have participated in this website (even if you didn't make 1 posting). I sure would love to see you in Vegas. I am a big fan of the saying, "The more the merrier". It would be nice to have enough people that we can have the benefit of a large group experience and multiple small group and individual experiences. I say, "Let's have some bovine folks, Porcine folks, mechanical folks, and homograft folks". Hey, throw in a few double valve people and maybe 2 or 3 aortic root replacements. And, let's not forget those wonderful pace maker people. Come on, let's give them some credit. They are truly electric people! They conduct (joke) themselves so well in public places.

What I am trying to say is please come. We all have financial and other obligations; however, let's try and get more people. I have had second thoughts about spending the money and taking off time from work. Now, I am going to put in my request for time off.
I'll be there Greg!

I'll be there Greg!

Hi Greg,

I am coming Greg, so get ready! I am so excited to meet all the new people, and seeing all the old friends again. I sincerely hope we will have a great turnout this time.
Where will you be staying Greg?

AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
TMC, Tucson. AZ
Dr. Gulshan Sethi
Hi Greg

Wouldn't miss it for the world. Can personally attest that prior reunions have been great. Vegas is a cheap jump from virtually any city. Check your local newspapers for travel section deals. There are many to be had.

Looking forward to reuniting with many members. Also, meeting the members that have not made it thus far. There is still time. Come on you all. As we know......there is strength in numbers!

BTW, where's my 'dancing' partner been?
See you there!


I haven't decided on a hotel. What is up with Lady Luck. I never heard of it. Does anybody have any recommendations. I'd love to stay at the Bellagio or Mandalay Bay. Any good deals?

I look foward to meeting you guys (Christina/Gina and respective husbands)
Hi Greg,

I definitely plan to be there! I went to my first reunion in Nashville last October and that was the best experience of my new life! I was 7 months post-op and had just found in May! It was great to meet the members who I know that shared my experience. No one knows what it's all about like we do!

I'm looking forward to visiting with members I already met, and meeting manny manny more.

Gina is right. There are so many deals for airlines and hotels. It might be a little rougher for our out of country members. It would be a delight to meet you all! The more the merrier! See you all there!
I'm with the double clickers!

I'm with the double clickers!

Lorraine and Gina are exactly right. Attending a Reunion is one of the most enlightening experiences one can ever imagine.

I encourage all who can make it this October 9-13, to plan to get to Las Vegas someway, somehow.

I'm looking forward to meeting some new heart buddies. I have no specific hotel/travel plans yet. Will likely make final plans in September.

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Lady Luck Hotel

Lady Luck Hotel

The Lady Luck was selected because it is the poor poverty stricken founder making the decisions. I checked some references and folks seemed to report it was an ok place. That combined with the fact that is is the cheapest place I could find were the deciding factors. Sure there are better places, but he who doesn't have the gold makes the rule :D
Hi Hank,

Where did you find that picture? I think it looks lovely! We just need a place to sleep and party, right?
Gred, I know there are much better and expensive places but let me tell you the beds are usually the same. (Spring mattrass)
We've been to very expensive hotels and the bed was horrible! I guess there is no better bed than you're own but than you never go anywhere either if you always stay home.
Just come on over to the Lady Luck Greggo, and we promise you'll have the time of your life!
Hope they have a good breakfast buffet for that price Hank!

I'd like to know how many are coming to the reunion. Let Hank know, so he will have an idea what to plan for. Last year Billy made an attendance post and everyone could write their names in if they were coming. Maybe we can do the same again!

AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
TMC, Tucson. AZ
Dr. Gulshan Sethi
Attendance Poll

Attendance Poll

There is actually a poll already in the "T-Shirts and Reunions" Forum. Everyone should go there and enter their preference and intentions.

I think that there are many more intending to attend than have indicated thus far.

Get over there and select an option everyone!!!!:)
Group Rate...

Group Rate...

Hey Hank....

That's what I wanna know... is there a group rate? Or are we just doing this 'on our own'??

I don't really care where I stay.. as long as I'm near my buddies. I think it will be much easier to stay in touch with each other if we are all in the same hotel. It sure worked great in SAT. Sooooooo.... I'm just wondering... do I mention when I make my reservation?? Is there a group rate??

I can't wait to see you and Michelle!! :p

Dear Friends:

It is with deep regret that I have to tell you that Wayne and I cannot make the reunion. I had looked forward to possibly going, but my husband has been having some problems with his health, as some of you know. We saw his cardio last Wednesday, and he said no traveling. We don't see him again for three months. (October). Frankly I wasn't surprised that the cardio doesn't think we should be travelling, but it was a disappointment nontheless. I was so sure we would have enjoyed meeting everyone, and discussing the journey we have all shared!

We extend our heartfelt thanks, again, for all of the support and encouragement over the past year.

Best wishes

Best wishes

Best wishes to your husband. My thoughts are with you both.


Joann and John WILL be in attendance. We have decided to stay at the Golden Nugget which is just down the street from Lady Luck. I would recommend that we all eat at the Golden Nugget Buffet one noon or evening. It is the best buffet downtown. Also the T-Bone Steat at Bunion Horseshoe is around $6.00 for a 16 oz. steak, potato, and salad. It is not on the menu. Need to ask. In the coffee shop, but the best deal in town.

We have never stayed downtown, but are looking forward to meeting everyone. The 31 year double valve lady will need to take a break from the slots to meet everyone.

Hope that we have a BIG attendance!

John & Joann
Clicking and Traveling in Ohio

P.S. Great Deals on Air Tickets. Check out ATA, Southwest, America West prices.
Hey All:

We WILL be there next year. He may have some more "parts", but we will be there!

Roche, the makers of CoaguChek, just sent me a W9 form to fill out. I haven't heard officially that they have approved my funding but it looks like it is going through. I pointed out to them that I am their single largest consumer of CoaguChek strips over the past 5 years.
Does anyone want me to bring a CoaguChek to demonstrate?
I'm planning on being there on Friday night. I may be only able to come in on Friday and leave on Saturday.
Do you want me to give a short talk and then open the session to questions? I want to do what you want. I get to hear myself flap my jaws a lot so it doesn't matter to me what format we use.
Do you have any particular questions that you would like me to cover? What if I did a few stories of the strangest things that I have seen? Let me know.
Bring the Coagucheck

Bring the Coagucheck


My question is: Can you flap your jaws and play blackjack at the same time?
Just kidding. Look forward to meeting you!

Can you bring us up to date on Exanta? Know it's a long way off, but perhaps you have some idea from the professional's side.

Bring a few of your books to sell. I would like to pick one up for my "St. Judified" mom who doesn't use a computer.

Thank you.

I can talk about Exanta. I have seen patients taking it and warfarin. Also, the last talk I gave was sponsored by the people who are marketing it. You could say that I was unduly influenced by the money or that I had to be well versed on the drug to stand in front of a bunch of pharmacists and talk about it - take your pick.

I'll bring some books.