I don't want to take the bait and make this an ongoing thing that nobody enjoys.
I don't know what word is supposed to be beyond me.
But, again, I don't want to get into this B.S. with you.
If you don't have a meter, I can help you with this. I have an extra Coag-Sense meter. I just don't have strips, but they can be purchased on eBay (sometimes a vendor will sell them for a few bucks each). You can get a fujnctional CoaguChek XS for about $30 on eBay. They work. Again, you'll need strips.
If you're paying the lab for a fingerstick, you'll probably save money (or at least the time it takes to go to the lab) by self testing. If insurance pays for your test, you've still got to consider your time and expense in going to and from the lab.
I have more CoaguChek XS meters than I need - but they don't have the strip guides (which you can do testing without) or a battery cover - all you have to do is ask for it.
Just let me know what word, I'm supposed to not understand, and send me a PM if you want a meter.