First, I want to say that you guys are absolutely the best! I appreciate these good wishes so very much. When I posted at 4 a.m. (because I couldn't sleep) about my fight with the creeping crud, I didn't even think about it being my birthday. Didn't mean to double-dip in Small Talk.
Second, want to say that
Superbob is honored to share his birthday with the real superheroes -- the men and women of the armed services.
Superbob is a veteran, too, but he has never confronted anything more dangerous than a fugitive scone or three (well, his unit
was involved in riot control back in the '60s -- thank God no one on either side was hurt -- but that is a different story and ancient history.) Anyway, the troops of today are the real superheroes. Happy Armistice Day to all!
Superbob confesses that he has ignored his own advice and plunged right ahead with all sorts of activities today. The horse pills and yuck-nex expectorate seem to be helping -- if Superbob just had a handful of percocet to complete his pharmaceutical cocktail, he really would be flying.

First, Superbob went to PT because today was the day the blonde hottie PT was in charge. How many more opportunities like that can a guy who is two-thirds of the way to 100 expect to have? As usual, she kicked Superbob's butt -- but he enjoyed every minute of it.

Then Superbob picked up the humongous birthday cake DW ordered from the area's finest bakery -- moderation will have to prevail in consuming that... maybe we can freeze some of it.
So Superbob is digressing and rambling -- but after all, he is a SeniorSuperbob.

Thanks again for all your good wishes. They mean a lot to me.