Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
but would a clinic use a Coaguchek or something like an i-Stat?12 years of testing weekly 624 tests is probably much less than an anticoagulation clinic (sill often called a Coumadin clinic) would do in a few weeks. These meters HAVE to be robust. They have to keep running,. They have to be accurate.
I know that the local nursing home (less than 200 residents) has a INRange, and I recall that on the ward at the hospital which did my valve they used a Coaguchek. But I'm curious to know what a commercial lab uses.
I recall that the INRange has something like a 5000 test block out where you need to return it to Roche for inspection, searching isn't working for me at the moment. However lets say that on average (because I do test more than weekly occasionally I would be somewhere between 2 tests a week (averaged) and 1.
12 x 52 x 2 = 1248 tests in the time I've had it.
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